Spending the Afternoon at the Downtown Raleigh Home Show
I received complimentary tickets to attend this show.

Since I have always been interested in home decorating or remodeling but even more since I bought my Blog Cabin. I got such a thrill designing my little piece of heaven, so when I was asked if I wanted tickets to the Raleigh Home Show, I jumped at the chance. I had tickets for the whole family to go but decided at the last minute that I needed some girlfriend time, so my friend Emily ( who I consider one of my closest friends) went with me.

Also since we were going on a Friday, it wasn’t as crowded. This could be a good thing or a bad thing, it just depends on how you look at it. The good thing is that you are able to walk around and not have fight crowds. The bad thing is that since there are fewer crowds you have more of a target on your back for exhibitors to try to get you to sign up for their services. We had to tell several of them very politely that we weren’t interested in the services that they offered.

But I did love the displays that they had. Since I am a big fan of water, there was this one booth that both Emily and I were drawn to. We were so drawn that after we had made our way through the show, we stopped back by this booth and we both purchased items. Emily bought a goat and a sunflower for the farm. I, on the other hand, bought home this fish. It is currently sitting on the bookcase behind my desk in my Blog Cabin. I can’t wait to design my summer scape around it.

As we were walking around, I noticed some design elements that I have already in my office. I mean just look at this chair, although mine isn’t leather, I have one just like it. It is Allie’s favorite chair in the office. In fact, it is often seen in my Instagram stories and posts, normally with a furbaby sleeping in it.

One of the next projects on my list is redoing our master bedroom. I loved the look of this bedroom. Can’t wait for a chance to get creative in there?
I honestly I cannot think of a better way to spend my Friday with a close friend enjoying each other company and looking at things we love.
So tell me what do you like to do with friends?