Creating A Vision Board to Help Me Stay on Track
I am joining up with a bunch of fellow bloggers to bring you a blog party. This time the topic is about Goal setting and starting on them. Check out the other bloggers who have joined in at the bottom of this post.
Goals, plans, dreams, resolutions. Whatever you want to call them when the new year comes around everyone and their mom are declaring that this year things will be different. And most of the time we start off with good intentions but within a month or two of the New Year, most return to their old habits.
I decided a few years ago that I would forgo the resolution thing because let’s be honest, I never kept them anyway. And I jumped on the word of the year bandwagon. This word of the year thing has kept me focused on what I wanted to do and what I wanted to achieve. If you missed the post about what my word of the year is this year you can read it here.
I can already see this word, Create, working already in my life and my goal planning. In keeping with my word, I wanted to do something to keep me on track for my year and set some solid goals that I wanted to achieve and some reminders that I am like Tigger, the only one. In doing that I first the time created a vision board for my goals. It was super easy to create and I am banging my head against the wall wondering why I have never done one before now.
So if you follow along with me, I can tell you how you can create your very own vision board of your own. First and foremost, I highly recommend doing it with a friend. Why do you ask? Easy, not only can both of you create something to help you see your goals for the year but also you can chat while doing it. When it came to picking a friend do this with, I immediately thought of Emily, not only is she my boss at the farm but after working with her for several years, she has become one of my closest friends. Hardly a week goes by that we don’t text each other at least once if not more often. And we often grab lunch together and go on mini shopping trips to nearby towns. Plus she just gets me. 😉 Of course, Emily said sure. So we set on a date to meet at the Blog Cabin after the kids went back to school after the holidays.
Now onto the Vision Board, I will admit that I let my fingers do some scrolling on Pinterest before I decided what I wanted my board to look like. Then I went about grabbing some supplies to create the board of my dreams.
So grab your supplies, I used an old frame, some magazines, hot glue, stickers, fabric that may or may not have been the table runner used here and some old magazines.
Before creating the vision board, I had to sit down and really think about what I wanted my board to look like. These questions are very helpful when thinking about what you want your year to look like.
Questions to Ask When Creating a Vision Board
- When you think about your life a year from now, what does it look like?
- What parts of your life need the most attention so you can move forward in a positive direction?
- What brings you joy?
- What obstacles may keep you from following your dreams?
- What goals do you want to set for yourself?
- What are the next steps to get you there?
- What pictures/words/symbols come to mind that inspires you?
So once we had a general idea about what we wanted to manifest in the new year, we went about creating our visions for 2019.
What Goals I set for Myself
- Don’t let numbers define you. I have been so caught up in getting my numbers up that I tend to lose my love of writing and being creative. Yep, 2019 word of the year coming into play there.
- The couple under the umbrella kissing pic- Simply this, after 25 years together, I want more couple time with my hubby Raul, we have a few trips planned this year.
- Exercise pic– This picture explains itself. With my daughter getting married this year, I want to be in the best possible shape that I can be in.
- Camera– to remind me to not only take lots of pictures but to also get in front of the camera more.
- Dream
- The beach pictures– Water calms my soul.
- Coffee– Because I need fuel to make all these things to happen
- Going Places- Experience – Out Here – These are gentle reminders to myself that I need to get out of my own head and have more fun experiences and meet amazing people along the way.
- A laptop– because this is the year that the blog is going to be bigger and better. GO BIG. I actually have started planning content and bought an actual planner this year.
- And the last thing, One Time In New Orleans. I want to plan a trip to New Orleans because I am turning the big 5-0 ( ssh! Don’t tell anyone! ) this year and I have always wanted to visit this lively city. I don’t know if it is because I love the history of the city or the fact that my new favorite show is NCIS New Orleans, but it is on my list for this.
Here are our finished Vision boards.
I put my vision board on the back of the front door in my Blog Cabin. Just like my word for the year Create, it is a daily reminder to reach for the stars and to hold onto my vision for this year.
Tell me have you ever created a vision board and has it helped you keep track of your goals.
Check out these other blog posts about being goal setting and starting on them.
- New Year’s Resolutions from Nomad Mona
- 5 Things You Should Quit This Year from Phaytea’s Pulse
- Creating a Vision Board with Intention from Citrus & Sun
- 2019 Printable Goals and Planner from My Life’s Manual
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I’ll be attending a vision board party this Saturday and I’m looking forward to creating mine
I love this! Sometimes it takes a visual nudge to help your motivation.
Oh, I love choosing a word of the year. This year I decided to create a vision board, haven’t done one in a very long time. Thanks for joining the Blog Party.
I haven’t made one in a good while but this makes me want to. At the very least I need to make some notes. I’ve been feeling all over the place lately and I think answering those questions would really help me! Thanks for this!
I like the idea of creating a vision board because I remember best by seeing instead of just planning things out in my head. Thanks for sharing this, as I hope to do this someday as well.
Your blog cabin is sounding so cozy. I made my first ever vision board with my family at home and it’s hanging in my office.
I love the thoughts you shared around creating a vision board. I think when it comes to vision boards, I’ve never really known where to start so this is so helpful!
The hardest part is actually sitting down and starting. I made it easier on me because I invited a friend to share the journey with me. We chatted and time just flew and it just felt right.
I adore this vision board simply because you’ve take your creativity level far beyond the norm! It’s super cute, functional and something I know you will be able to refer to throughout the year! *PS – the numbers define you thing is something I need to remember this year too…
I really need to sit down and get this done. There’s something about mapping everything put visually that makes all the difference.