7 Practices to Help a Family Member Who is Suffering a Personal Crisis

7 Practices to Help a Family Member Who is Suffering a Personal Crisis from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Experiencing a personal crisis can quickly become stressful and feel overwhelming, especially if you do not know where to turn or how to seek the proper help you need. When you have a member of your family who is having difficulties overcoming a personal crisis, lending a helping hand can greatly improve their mental health and overall wellbeing. With the right techniques, tools, and resources, show your loved one that you care while providing them with the support system they desperately need to overcome the challenges and obstacles they are currently facing.

Discuss The Crisis With Your Loved One Directly

One of the biggest hurdles for an individual who is suffering from a mental health crisis is opening up and talking about the issue at hand. Discussing the crisis your loved one is experiencing is extremely important to show that you are there for them mentally and emotionally. Avoid talking to your family member in a confrontational manner to prevent them from clamming up or closing off from all discussions on the manner. Instead, simply express your love and concern for their wellbeing while providing them with the space they may need to process your support before expecting a response or full discussion.

Listen Intently

When your family member decides they are ready to talk with you regarding their personal crisis and the struggles they are experiencing, listen intently and without speaking over them. Allow your loved one to express themselves fully without responding immediately. Provide your family member with a safe space to communicate with you without providing input and advice. Listening can greatly strengthen the trust and bond your family member has with you, especially when they are feeling isolated and alienated from the rest of the world around them.

Avoid Passing Judgment

Anytime a family member opens up to you regarding their personal crisis and the mental health challenges they are struggling with, avoid passing judgment. Even if you have experience with mental health challenges yourself, it is important to allow them to express themselves without feeling as if they are in competition with someone they love. Never judge, criticize, or ostracize a family member’s feelings and emotions, even if you feel you have a solution readily available to provide to them. Instead, simply listen to what they are saying while accepting their thoughts and perspectives.

Express Your Mental and Emotional Support

Once you have listened intently to the entirety of your loved one’s struggles, express your mental and emotional support. Sharing out loud that you are there for a member of your family is a way to boost their mood while providing them with a sense of security and support. Do not immediately suggest different tools and resources that may help them, especially if they are experiencing serious trauma or a crisis that cannot be repaired overnight. Allowing them to know that you are there for them and want to be there to listen at all times is much better than having them feel as if they are alone when it comes to determining the best solution to their problems.

Help With Everyday Chores and Tasks

If your family member is open to more discussion after you have expressed your emotional and mental support, offer to help with everyday tasks and household chores they typically complete on their own. When an individual is suffering from a mental health crisis or an emotional breakdown, anxiety and depression often infiltrate everyday life. Increased and anxiety can make it difficult to adhere to routines while ensuring chores and responsibilities are handled. Only offer the option of assisting your family members with everyday responsibilities and chores if they are open to the option. Do not push the issue if your loved one rejects your offer or feels as if they do not need assistance. Inform your loved one that you are there for them if they ever do require your help and that you are only a phone call or another room away.

Ask What They Need From You

Whenever a family member is experiencing a personal crisis it is important not to overstep your boundaries. While some loved ones may appreciate unexpected visits, gifts, or assistance when traveling or visit a doctor’s office, it is important to treat each member of your family as an individual. Ask what your loved one needs or wants from you to help them get through their crisis. Avoid making assumptions on your own, even if you only have good intentions in mind. Overstepping boundaries when assisting anyone who is experiencing a personal crisis can lead to being unable to communicate with them or assist them in any manner.

Seek Out a Professional Psychologist

Visiting a psychologist is not always the first step an individual wants to take when they experience a crisis. However, if a mental health crisis has become detrimental to everyday life and is showing no signs of slowing down or stopping, consider seeking out a professional psychologist to help. Psychologists are well-versed in a variety of mental health issues and types of breakdowns that individuals of all ages experience. They can help to provide productive advice and solutions that are tailored to your family member’s needs as an individual.

Dr. Jane Zhao-O’Brien Psychology is one resource that is extremely beneficial for individuals who are facing a crisis while feeling as if they have nowhere else to turn. Whether your family member requires specialized therapy or routine sessions, working together with a professional psychologist is highly recommended to ensure they remain on the right track of turning their life around for the better.

Knowing how to communicate with a family member who is suffering from a personal crisis is essential to learn more about the most effective ways you can help them get through trying times. When you have a clear understanding of the crisis your loved one is experiencing, provide them with the right tools, professional help, and the necessary emotional support to encourage a positive attitude and outlook when moving forward.

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