
Refreshing the Front Porch of the Blog Cabin

blog Cabin

Y’all you know how much I love my little slice of heaven, the Blog Cabin. It is where my creative juices flow and also where I get the most inspiration. But sometimes, after a long hard winter, the front porch needs a little refresh. You know what I am talking about something that not only makes your senses come alive but also inspires you to achieve more. Plus it is one of the places where I have the most control over ( the only control sometimes) how it is decorated. So when I started looking for ideas on refreshing the front porch of the Blog Cabin, I didn’t have to look far because my trusty sidekick and coworker Allie ( the feisty and spoiled rotten Shih Tzu of mine)was the inspiration.

Past Year Family Pictures

Even if you don’t have a Blog Cabin, you can still use some of my ideas to refresh your front porch, and if you do let me know how you did.

Refreshing the Front Porch of the Blog Cabin

Refresh Furniture

Y’all I have owned the Blog cabin for a while now and I have had several items of furniture on the porch. When I get tired of a certain look, I just move the items I am tired of to a different location in my yard. However, these rocking chairs have been a staple on the porch for a while now. I got a great deal on them at Ollie’s they were like $50 bucks a piece, which if you have ever pieced outside rockers you know this was a steal. However, when I bought the chairs the store near me only had one, and it was brown, but I didn’t let that stop me. I scooped it up. Then a few weeks later, when visiting my middle daughter, we checked her Ollie’s and found a white one. So of course I had to get that. Now I know what you are thinking what a sec both chairs are white. Yes, folks, they are that is the amazing power of spray paint. This brings me to another way you can refresh the front porch.

Paint or stain:

You can use spray paint to give the porch furniture a fresh look, and you can also repaint the front porch. I currently have an idea in mind for the Blog Cabin front porch ( Heck for the whole thing), but I have yet to pull the trigger.

And speaking of paint, don’t forget to paint that front door. When I originally got the cabin the door was white and as you can see it is red now.



Replace outdated light fixtures with modern, energy-efficient options. Choose fixtures that match your home’s style and ensure they provide adequate illumination for safety and ambiance. Consider adding string lights or lanterns for added warmth and charm. I don’t know how many compliments I have gotten about the string of lights on the porch.

Refreshing the Front Porch of the Blog Cabin

Add greenery

Potted plants and hanging baskets can bring life and color to your porch. Choose a mix of low-maintenance, shade-tolerant plants that will thrive in your porch’s environment. Swap out seasonal plants to keep your porch looking fresh year-round.

Blog Cabin

And if you are like me and sometimes don’t want to have to deal with remembering to water some plants. You can always find some amazing faux greenery. The Ficus tree that I have on the front is actually a faux tree from Nearly Natural, they have a great selection of outdoor greenery. The planter that is in I got years ago from Ross and it was in my bedroom, but I decided to bring it out to the porch.

Door Mat Blog Cabin

Invest in a new doormat

A stylish and functional doormat can make a significant impact on your porch’s appearance. Choose a doormat that complements your home’s style and color scheme while providing a safe, non-slip surface for guests. As you can see where Allie’s influence came into play. This doormat was a little pricey, but I know that it would be worth it in the long run.

Personalize with accessories

Add personality to your porch with accessories like decorative signs, artwork, or a wreath on your front door. Choose items that reflect your style and interests, but be mindful not to overcrowd your porch with too many decorations.

Shih Tzu Pillows

And boy did I personalize it. The Shih Tzu pillows were my first purchase for the porch, and I have had them for several years. I actually in the beginning only bought one to put on a bench but I loved it so much I bought another one. Sadly, they are no longer available. The black and white check pillows are a staple on all of my outside furniture. And then there is my little Shih Tzu on the red table( which was originally white). This little gem I found one day at a local antique store normally sits on my desk, but I decided for the porch refresh it was the perfect addition to it.

Shih TZU Antique

I am however on the lookout for a Shih Tzu wreath to hang on the door. If you have seen one, give me a holler.

With these tips, refreshing the front porch into a welcoming and attractive space should be an easy-peasy undertaking that enhances your home’s curb appeal and offers a comfortable outdoor living area for you and your guests to enjoy.

So tell me do you like the refreshing of the front porch of the Blog Cabin?

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