5 Things that Make Me Smile

I have noticed that as I get older there are more and more little things that make me smile. Each day I try to find something to smile about. Some days it is super easy and some days it is really hard. But each day is a new beginning filled with great possibilities and great opportunities of growth. So with that said here are 5 things that make me smile right now.

- My Family– My kids, my hubby, and our furbabies. No matter what kind of list I make, this item will always be on it. I love my family fiercely and would move mountains to make sure they are happy. We just recently celebrated Mikaela’s college graduation. She graduated with her Bachelor in Fine Arts. I am so proud of my little family.

- Time spent with God– At the beginning of the year, I set out to do something I have never done before and that is read the Bible in a year. I got a new Bible, just so I could look back at the end of the year and feel accomplished. Every morning before I start my day I listen to the Bible and read along with The Bible Recap by D-Group. I have noticed that when I don’t start my day with this – things tend to go downhill from there.

- Peonies– I have always loved peonies and I have several growing in my yard. But getting one to bloom is a miracle in itself. So you can imagine my surprise this year when I finally had one bloom. When I first noticed the bud, I waited patiently for it to bloom. It took forever, well maybe not forever but it sure felt like it did. Finally, after all the waiting, it bloomed. Not only was it glorious but also a gentle reminder from God that patience is needed sometimes when we are looking for answers to our prayers.

- The Enneagram. Last year, I discovered the Enneagram. I am a 2 by the way. So I am studying what makes me tick. But I am doing it with a devotional so I can have Biblical teaching to help me in my journey to understanding what makes me tick. It has really opened my eyes to some things that I need to work on. Do you know about the Enneagram- if so what number are you.

- Friends- I have been blessed to have some pretty amazing close friends who have been with me through thick and thin. I love spending time with them, even though it seems like those times are few and far between. But still, it feels good to know that I can be myself with them and there is no judgment. ( I tried to find a picture of my 3 closest friends {Hannah, Donna, and Emily} together but they are never in the same place at the same time so I had to settle for a picture that 2 of them {Hannah and Emily} are in even if it is an older picture.
So those are 5 things off the top of my head that are making me smile this week. Tell me do you look for things to make you smile. Are there days where you struggle to find even one thing? Friend, you aren’t alone. There are days when I don’t want to get up and get moving but then I think that if I don’t get up and get moving nobody else will do it for me. So tell me what makes you smile?