Shopping and Saving Online
Summertime to me is a time of family fun and times spent shopping with my girls. One of the things that we enjoy doing is spending time at the beach. Beach time means shopping beforehand. You know what I am talking about last year’s swimsuits don’t quite fit like they should. Either you have lost some or like me you have gained some. So finding things that I like and that I am able to afford and that fits sometimes can be a struggle. That is where being my beach needs and saving at one time by using a surfstitch coupon. Surfstitch is an amazing place to find all your beach needs at a discount price. Having surf in the word surfstitch brings to mind a peaceful place without no hassles or cares. The beach has always been a haven for me so just the name, surfstitch itself makes shopping for those needed items to take on our beach trips less of a trial and more of an enjoyment.
You know how awkward you feel when you have to go to the department store and you need to go to the dressing room to try on an outfit. First you have to hunt down the attendant to get them to unlock the door and don’t forget to count those items before you go in. Then you have the hassle of the size not being the right one so then you go back and get the size you need only to have to wait for the attendant once again. This could happen more than one time in my case tons of times. Finally you are settled on the size you need but then you debate on whether to buy it or not. If only they made coupons to clothing at the store. They may not at the store but they do have Online Coupons that you can use at some of your favorite stores. Then after you finally make you mind up having to wait in those long lines (because you know they never have enough registers open). At this point you even question how bad you want to buy your item. That is how shopping at a department store happens for me. There are very few times that I have actually saved there.
But shopping online, I have been able to purchase items not only that are unique to my community but also at half the cost. Plus I get more compliments on the clothes I buy online then the items I buy in town.
Which do you prefer in person or online?? For me shopping online offers me the best savings and I get to use coupons as well.
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