Budget Conscious Pest Control

Budget Friendly Pest Control Who isn’t trying to save money these days? Whether you are swearing off new clothes, avoiding the movie theater and fine dining, or taking public transportation instead of spending the money on gas, it seems like everyone is trying to cut some corners and save some dough. And it is no surprise – even though the economy seemed to be on the upswing for a short time, the most recent reports say it is contracting again. It can be hard to keep up! But even the most frugal amongst us realize that we still need to spend money on certain necessities like food, rent, insurance, etc., especially when it comes to the health of our families. What about pest control, though? If you have recently found a pest problem in your home, or you are worried that you might get a pest problem in the near future, you might be wondering whether you can control the problem on a budget. The good news is that the answer to that question is “Yes.” Below are some tips for budget conscious pest control.

Calling in a professional to deal with your pest problem may be your first instinct, but these professional exterminators can cost a lot of money. So a family on a budget may want to try some other possible solutions before deciding to spend the cash on an exterminator. The first line of defense is to keep a clean home. Bugs will be attracted by garbage that sits in your kitchen too long, dirty dishes that stay in the sink for days, or juice spills that never get cleaned up. A clean home will not be as welcoming to the creepy crawlers that you don’t want inhabiting your home. Also be on the lookout for any dripping or leaking pipes, standing water, or moist carpets. These are hospitable homes to bugs. Firewood is another dangerous lure for bugs, so store yours outdoors if you can.

If you keep your home clean but still find bugs, you can always find pest control products sold in regular grocery, hardware and convenience stores and some use a backpack sprayer. Products like “Raid” can be sprayed right on the bugs in your home, killing them pretty quickly. There are also traps and baits available on the market. But these products are poisonous – which is why they work in killing bugs – and so you need to be very careful with them. Don’t use them on a counter where you prepare food, for example, or in your child’s bedroom. If you do use one of these poison filled products, make sure you thoroughly clean the area after you have used them. These products are not expensive, so they can be a good option when used correctly.

Even if you take these steps, though, you may still find that you have a pest problem. Calling an exterminator may be your best bet. Call several in your area, though, and find the one that has the best price and a good reputation. It is important to remember that these people will be in your home, and so you need to trust them as they will be walking through every room in the house. You should also consider looking for exterminator companies that use green, environmentally friendly practices. Many exterminators use harsh chemicals that are bad for the environment, and so ask the companies that you call about what kind of products they use before signing up with them.

About the Author: Karen Miller has been writing about pest control topics for companies like Terminix Termite extermination for more than a decade. When not writing, Karen is generally at home with her kids or at the gym working out.

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  1. I will give two additional pieces of advise….if you have an extensive bug problem of any kind talk to your local pest control and see if you can have them do an initial treat and followup and then let you do the maintenance. This will stop the growth of the problem, and honestly will save you money for how long you have to endure. A good pest control company will teach you how to take care of your home to repel bugs. 2nd use organic products (still poison but not going to put chemicals into your air). Dichotomous earth (food grade) and boric acid can really help with just about every bug problem. Also DON’T kill your spiders and your good pest control animals like snakes and birds. Spraying the outside of your house usually kills these kinds of things or kills their natural food supply which means they will move on.

  2. I like that you gave some advice on how to deter pests without chemicals. I should be better about keeping my house clean, and hearing that pests thrive in messy areas might have given me the motivation to do so! However, if cleanliness and other natural options don’t work, I’ll probably still end up calling an exterminator, though I’ll follow your advice and ask for one that uses green products. Thanks for the article!

  3. Great affordable options! Thanks for providing so much information. Your post was exactly what I was looking for, thanks so much for sharing! Great work!

  4. You have some great tips here for cheap pest control. I agree with you that the first, and most important step, is to keep a clean home. My mother was extremely strict when it came to cleaning the house, and, other than the occasional ant problem, we never saw any pests!

  5. Impressive article Melissa, I love your budget conscious for terminating pest. But for me I will hire pest exterminator to prevent my problem to pest no matter the high price but before you hired you must search first about the company if they are providing insurance.

  6. Hello Melissa, You hit my number one problem for terminating insects, and we spend much money to buy expensive chemical for urging to kill all pest but nothing happen because they are still there.

  7. Just as you claimed, when the economy is tight people want to save money. Your tips on cleanliness and taking the trash out often can prove helpful for folks who want to reduce their pest problem.

  8. Thanks for the great, budget-friendly pest control tips. I agree that the first instinct when you find pests is to call an exterminator. That isn’t a bad choice at all, if you can afford it. However, like you said, I think I will just try to keep as clean a house as possible.

  9. The best way to save money on an exterminator is definitely to avoid having to call one in the first place. Unfortunately, even the most careful can still end up with pests, and if you can’t deal with them naturally, then you must go to the exterminator. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Comparing prices and establishing trust is important, just as you suggest. These people will be in your home, so knowing this will turn out in a positive way is essential.

  11. Interesting read! Some things are just best left up to the professionals. You’re spot-on – research and establishing trust are so important.

  12. Hii,

    Thank you for sharing with us such a great post!

    You consider a very important point. I think when it comes to choosing a budget-friendly service is to never settle for just the price, as quality should always be another priority. Paying any “small” amount on an ineffective provision is always just a waste of money, so make sure that you are spending for the company to meet your exact needs.

    Of course, the most obvious measure in cutting back on pest control costs would be to properly research as to the rates of each reputable company in your area, and then screening your options so that you can pick out the most reasonably priced service.

    Ryan Jordan

  13. Great article dear!

    Pest control is no easy task. Once pests manage to get into your home, it’s hard to make them go away, and their presence could affect your health, your comfort, and even your property.

    Organic pest control methods involves the use of natural mechanisms such as natural predation, parasitism, and herbivory to control and eradicate pests such as insects and mites, and plant troubles such as weeds and aphids.

    Organic Pest control is better option as compared to chemical pest control. This is because chemical pesticides have been linked to cases of cancer, nerve damage, and birth defects among a myriad of other medical complications.

  14. This options to termite the pests is considerable to follow, Fortunately, I do not have any problem with insects, but I will still keep this brilliant Idea for just in case I need it soon, and most especially DIY’s to termite pest is also the best strategy to save money! Thank you, Melissa!

  15. I didn’t realize that a blend of preparing pop and sugar could really be harmful to cockroaches. I’ve never had cockroaches, thank heavens, yet I’m continually searching for approaches to dispose of nuisances normally so I can be readied in the event that I ever get an invasion. I’ll unquestionably remember the heating pop and sugar blend, and I’ll take a stab at utilizing a void jug to trap bugs too. A debt of gratitude is in order for the article!

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