When Mother’s Day Goes Wrong – The Disastrous Experience with Lowe’s

Today I went to our local Lowe’s. You see there was a swing I wanted for Mother’s Day. I found it online but you know how it goes you really won’t know if you will like it until you see it in person. So we went. Now I will have to say that because we live in a rural area, Lowe’s is the only choice for our home improvement needs. But after the customer service I experienced today I will make the drive out of town ( read to the end to see why that won’t be the case) to any other stores but this one. Let me tell you about my experience with Lowe’s.

Okay, so we arrived and went to the outdoor section because you think with the swing being an outdoor swing it would be there right? Wrong. After looking all over there several times, I got my phone out and looked it up on the website. Did you know that the website tells you where things are located in the store? So off we went. Guess what that particular location was electrical. So no swing. These were our attempts to find it by ourselves before bothering customer service.
And that is what it felt like that we were bothering them. I saw one man to who I politely said excuse me sir, and he turned around and said yes and then kept walking. So when I finally caught up to him, I asked him if he could help me find the swing. I already had it pulled up on my phone so it would be easy to locate it. His answer was he didn’t work in that department and knew nothing about it. He then said go find the lady at the computer she works in that department. Okay, I get that this wasn’t his department, but still, he could have as least been polite about it.
So after that encounter, I was hoping and praying that the next would be better. But I was wrong. I walked up to the lady on the computer and asked her if she knew where the swing was and showed her the picture. She looked it up on her computer and sent us to aisle four. ( Let me say in the past when we have gone to Lowe’s and looked for something they have been more than helpful and even walking with us to help us find it.)
With that said do you know what aisle four was – freaking lightbulbs!!!! How are lightbulbs and swings in the same category? The lady should have known it was the location when she sent us to it. But she couldn’t be bothered.
After this, I was beyond frustrated. Hubby told me to ask someone else, but after twice being made to feel like we bothering someone to help us out I said no. I left the store frustrated in tears and without the swing.
I don’t understand why customer service isn’t a priority for anyone. I mean if they didn’t want to help people why work a job where you have to deal with people every day?
And so I thought okay this might be a one-off. So when we went to Low and Slow to eat lunch, we decided to check Lowe’s in Smithfield. After walking the outdoor one once, we went back around, and I found the swing. However, it was up high and there are signs posted everywhere please ask for customer service. I thought for sure this won’t happen again. We found someone who was in the same section we were looking for. He came over and realized it was up high and that he was gonna have to move stuff off of it to get it. He then proceeded to tell me that the one on the bottom was the same as the one up top like I was stupid. I looked at the SKU number on the item and even the pictures were different, and the one on the bottom was also a lot more expensive. He then looks at the little inventory computer and rides off on their little lift. No explanation, no let me go check in the back, no let me look at another location to see if there is one easier to get to, no I will be back. After waiting about 15 minutes with no return. I again walked out of Lowe’s disappointed, empty-handed, and in tears. Because at this point y’all I was so over it.
Hubby even asked me to look at other stores to see if there was another one I liked. He also suggested I order it and pick it up curbside or order it and get it delivered. But at this point, I am just so disappointed and discouraged that I said no. Because who to say that Lowe’s won’t screw that up- I am honestly flabbergasted at how we were treated at two separate stores. And to this that this is the first Mother’s Day that I will only have one of the three with me just made an emotional day even worse. Thanks a lot, Lowes.
I even try to file a complaint, but once again their customer service sucks.
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