Healthy Habits With Listerine Make You A Hero

“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for LISTERINE. I received samples for this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.”

 Listerine heroic habits products

There have been few things in my life that I regret, but one of them is not taking the care of my teeth like I should have. So when I was given the chance to work with Listerine on their #Heroic Habits Campaign, I jumped at the chance. Not because I thought it would help prevent what is going on in my mouth because I am looking at major surgery in the future but instead to make sure that my girls don’t take after their mom. So if I can do that with this post, then it is was all worth it.

Having my daughters’ try Listerine Mouthwash, floss, and PocketsPaks sparked a conversation with them about proper dental care. Gracie has always been one that balked about brushing her teeth. But as we were sitting in the bathroom so I can take some pictures of her using the products, I told her that she needed to start actively taking care of her teeth or she would end up like me. With the new line of Listerine products, dental health is easier. The mouthwash was to die for and what kid doesn’t like the taste of bubble gum. My girls immediately stole this as soon as I opened the book.

Listerine dental floss

I loved the tons of PocketPaks that we were given to try. Gracie said she was going to be the weird girl in school that carries dental floss in her backpack. She loved the way it tasted and smelled. I will have to admit I liked this as well even though I normally don’t like stuff that has very strong smells. She said that she won’t have to worry about her breath stinking during the day.

As a mom, I am always looking for ways to teach my children the important of healthy habits and Listerine has done just that with products as well as featuring healthy habits videos on their  Youtube page.

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  1. I definitely wish these good tasting Listerine products were around when I was young. I have (or had) genetically bad teeth-but maybe I could have kept them a bit longer!

  2. I have to keep my eye out for Barbie mouth wash! My daughter is not the best brusher this would help.

  3. I’m pretty nutso over my teeth too. I don’t rinse like I should, but I’m a huge flosser. I keep floss picks with me ALL the time. Even at my office desk! I love the Listerine PocketPaks too. Those are awesome.

  4. Love the Listerine mouthwash – our kids enjoy using it too. Fresh, clean and you can feel it working. So important to have good dental health

  5. I love that you’re reinforcing the importance of dental care. With flavors like bubblegum, who wouldn’t want to use mouthwash?! Why didn’t they have this when I was a kid 😉

  6. Listerine has such great products. I should pick up the Barbie bottle. Maybe it would entice kiddo to work on her teeth a little more.

  7. I love Listerine products. I use their mouthwash all the time. I am very anal about dental care, but my husband not so much and it drives me nuts. No matter how much I hound him about it.

  8. Hey, dental health is cooler than ever! Everybody wants pretty teeth and the easy, cheap way to get there is to use floss, brush twice daily and use rinse. Glad to read about these products!

  9. I really wish some of these types of things and “flavors” were available when I was young .. would have made it so much easier.
    I will be looking for those pocket packs … I can see those in my future and my purse 🙂

  10. I love Listerine! Can I just say that gargling with their mouthwash helps a sore throat, too? (I’ve had a cold this week LOL)

  11. My toddler just started asking about mouthwash after seeing me and her dad use it. You’re not too young to start healthy mouth habits.

  12. It is important to instill those healthy habits when they’re kids. I have found once they get to be teens they WANT to keep their mouth clean, but up until then it’s not always a priority. 😉

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