Unleashing the Unpredictable: Experiencing Banter Live

Y’all, I didn’t know what I was getting into when I agreed to attend Banter Live, a show with my youngest in Raleigh that some of her favorite streamers were doing. All I knew if that she always tags along with me to my events – mainly as company for the drive. So I felt I owed it to her. It wasn’t like I didn’t know who the guys from Banter were. I am always walking into her room when she has them on and I stop and watch a few moments- but that was it just a passing interest. So I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into so my expectations were low or should I say nonexistent. But because I love all of my girls, I decided to go with her to attend the show.

First, let me say how impressed I was with the guys from Banter. They were originally supposed to be performing their live podcast from DPAC in Durham but their show was canceled. They scrambled to find a place to hold it and even sent refunds to the people who bought tickets for DPAC and allowed those people to attend free of charge. I was impressed because they made no money at all from this event. They ended up holding it in downtown Raleigh at the Sheraton. Honestly, I was happy about it because Raleigh is a lot closer than Durham to us, and quite frankly with a big trip coming up next week, I wasn’t really in a driving mood.
We of course arrived in Raleigh early so we were able to grab dinner at The Big Easy ( I will share more about them in another post.) We walked around a little bit and then decided to wait out a huge thunderstorm in our car in the parking garage.

When the storm was over we walked to the Sheraton and checked in. They had a reception for those attending. They also had 2 shows – we had tickets for the later show. When the doors opened, we were able to grab 2 seats down front. Gracie took my lead as I guided her to 2 aisle seats in the second row right in front of the stage. She told me I picked good seats. And yes I will pat myself on the back because I have been to enough conferences to know where the best seats are.

We were able to get some great pictures. Like I said I wasn’t really sure what to expect with this podcast- but I was mildly surprised as these guys were a hoot. I laughed so much and Gracie had a great time. I will say that George, Sapnab, and Karl put on a great show. But I will say that my favorite was Austin Show. He just had the crowd fired up. It was entertaining and they know how to get the crowd involved with the show.

And Gracie was enjoying herself and I loved that more than anything else. As you know, Gracie had a lot of health issues when she was younger and she is just now becoming comfortable in her own skin. She even asked a question and I got a video of it. And she almost had a sweatshirt.

This brings me to the 2 things that weren’t so great about the show. First, it was hot in the conference room. And second I had a girl literally pull my finger back so she could snatch a sweatshirt out of my hand. And then she smirked, not caring if she hurt me and then she bragged about it to her friend- that is the back of her head in the above picture. ( Y’all I don’t know about you but you don’t literally pull someone’s finger back – as I am typing this I have my finger taped to the other one because it still hurts and this is hours after the show was over.)
Gracie told me she was trying hard not to let what that blank (I can’t find a nice word to call her) did ruin her night. I know the karma police will let the girl get what is coming to her. But after she said that as we were walking out of the lobby after using the restrooms ( hello it is a hour’s drive back home) we were rewarded with this picture.

My favorite of the show. So Funny.
Did I have a great time at Banter Live? Yes! Yes, I did but I can’t help but think that I could have been the mom to every one of those young men on the stage. I mean they are around my girls’ ages. My girls are 28 (well will be in September), 25, and 21.
So if you get a chance to see Banter Live- go. Because y’all it was a really enjoyable show and I can honestly say that I enjoyed myself. I loved the show but what I loved even more was the look on Gracie’s face throughout the night.