Midweek Moment: Dressed for Duress

AFM dressed for duressCan it? Could it? Would it? Yes it can. It could. It would… and IT DID! In my mind I actually envisioned it happening, but I will tell you in a million years I would of never really dreamed it would happen……….

Standing before a crowd actually has never been frightening to me. I am a genuine, 100 percent, fortified HAM!! My favorite class as a freshman, junior and in my senior year at high school was drama. I loved acting. As a young girl I would secretly dream of growing up and landing a lead role on one of the soap operas such as, “The Guiding Light” or “Young & Restless”. I just knew I would be Victor Newman’s next wife! I love being around people and I am always known to be right “smack dab in the middle” of a good conversation at any event.

What I rarely share is the fact that I often get nervous and insecure when I am singing or speaking around people at my home church or other local events. There is just something about sharing in front of the people who know you best. Just being candid, if I stick my foot in my mouth while speaking at an event away from home, (which I have been known to do) or feel the shrill or hear the squeak as my voice breaks while singing a high note, I just brush it off and say,well at least they won’t make fun of me to my face because they will never see me again!”

On one particular night, back when I was in my mid twenties, I was singing live on camera at our local gospel TV station. Rushing in at the last minute with our gospel group, my slip was perfectly intact underneath my dress. Slight problem, though, the elastic was completely worn out so I had safety pinned the slip at the waist to keep it from falling. Cameras were rolling and I belted out a note that I shouldn’t have attempted to hit. I started moving, clapping and swaying to the beat. About that time, I felt that small insufficient safety pin POP and that slip slid to the floor!

Might I remind you we were LIVE? Immediately we began to chuckle and the camera guy moved the angle of the camera so that it would not be so distracting to the viewers at home. Of course, I will never really know how many viewers at home caught a quick glimpse of that mishap. Giggles erupted from the small crowd gathered in the studio and I thought I would die.

In so many ways this reminds me of how important it is for me to be properly dressed in my every day walk with God. There will be times when the spiritual attacks will come, embarrassing and hurtful situations will arise, so I will need to be dressed for “Duress”! In Ephesians 6:11, we are reminded to “put on the full armor of God”. This tells me I need to put on every piece of that gear intentionally and consistently. I need to wear that helmet of salvation by asking God to take control of my thoughts and my mind. I must strap on the breastplate of righteousness to guard my emotions. Father God, I don’t want to REACT out of my emotions, but rather let me RESPOND based on your truth and righteousness. I need to fasten that belt of truth and stay centered in the Bible, God’s words. Not only that, but I want to take up my sword and shield to stand ready for the fight. Oh, and I could never forget my feet! Lord, give me my polka dot high heel sandals of peace! Father, I don’t want to be known as a troublemaker or a gossip, I desire to be a peacemaker.

I know I am headed into warfare today. By FAITH I intend to be dressed for it. No more worn out insufficient attire for me. I would rather be Dressed for “Duress”!

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:11

Have you been in a situation where you weren’t quite Dressed for Duress? Join the conversation and share with us!


I am proud to say that this will be a weekly post by my wonderful and beautiful friend, Beverly. She is part of a marriage ministry that will rock your socks off. Not only is she talented, but she is the probably the most genuine person I have ever met. She has agreed to write a post for me every week for the sole purpose of encouragement. I love her writing and I am just glad she is going to be a regular on this blog. Check out the end of the article to find out more about her and her wonderful site, Intentionally Yours.


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One Comment

  1. That doesn’t beat what happened to my cousin when he was at his own wedding and in front of everyone
    at the reception, all eyes on the couple getting onto the dance floor for the first dance. As soon as he reached up to hold his wife as the music started…..
    his pants fell down!!!!!!!!!!!
    The entire reception erupted in laughter!!! I still chuckle when I think of it. He moved fast as lightning to bend down, pull his pants up, then ran to the bathroom with his mother following!! So funny!!

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