Rusty & Wrecked To Restored & Beautiful
There goes my freshly boofed hair! It was a restored 1934 Ford, shiny chrome wheels, & absolutely no AC. The windows were down & my hair was parted liked the Red Sea just a flopping & flying in the wind. Now let’s get one thing straight, I love me some hairspray & once I spray that Vita E there’s no washing that head for at least four days. So on this particular occasion I can tell you I wasn’t exactly excited to be riding in the vintage car, but I could see that Rick was thrilled so I agreed to go just to make him happy.
Old cars do nothing for me that is UNLESS they are dropping me off at a TJ Maxx, jewelry store or any other shopping venture! Several of our neighbors belong to a car club & they spend lots of hours & who knows how much money restoring the vehicles to their original state. Once in a while they like to go for a ride to parade their prize possessions & show off their handy work. Well Rick hollered, “Let’s put her in the wind” and about the time I sighed, a big bellied beady eyed flying thing decided to take charge into my mouth. YUCK!! Upon reaching our stop we all got out an admired all the cars as the proud owners boasted of their restoration projects.
You know there was a time in our marriage when we had reached a level of laziness, disrespect, boredom, & became so caught up in outside priorities that soon our marriage began to deteriorate, become rusty & lifeless just like those vintage cars . Simply put we failed to value & make our marriage our first commitment and it started to decay . In all honesty, I gave up trying & as the result of a spiritual attack I was determined to move on. My husband however, was determined to pray for God to touch my heart & turn my passion back to our marriage . He prayed daily for God to restore our marriage. Often at times when it looked like he was being defeated he stood on the word of God, continued seeking God’s wisdom & put in countless hours & tears praying for the restoration of our marriage.
Through the healing power of God we began to reunite, and rebuild our covenant in marriage. Little by little trust, respect, honor, our values & commitment to Christ were being restored. Can I be candid? I have never liked the word restoration when referring to marriage. To me that represents putting something back together like it was. I like to say God REDEEMEDour marriage. He has made it BETTER than it ever was before. I can honestly say that my love for my husband is at a deeper intimate level than the day of our wedding in September, 1995.The sparkle is back, God is the new owner, and I love showing off my prized possession. Hey Rick, get out the old Ford and let’s go parking!!!! Bev
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW Creation; the old has gone, the new has come!!!!!!
Beverly Weeks is part of a marriage ministry that will rock your socks off. Not only is she talented, but she is the probably the most genuine person I have ever met. She has agreed to write a post for me every week for the sole purpose of encouragement. I love her writing and I am just glad she is going to be a regular on this blog. To find out more about her check out her wonderful site, Intentionally Yours.