
Honeys Making Money with Melinda Jackson PR

I have been to so many events this year, but with the wedding planning, I haven’t really gotten a chance to sit down and write about them. When I chose the word “Create” to be my word of the year, I knew that I had to be intentional about what that word meant. It wasn’t just about being crafty, which I love to do, but also about creating time to learn new things. So whenever I see conferences or other events taking place, I try my best to get there. I create a chance for me to learn new things and to create relationships with people. One of these events took place back in June and it was with my favorite Public Relations person, Melinda Jackson from Melinda Jackson PR.

Honeys Making Money  with Melinda Jackson PR from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

This event took place in June in beautiful downtown Dunn at Sami Anne’s Boutique and it was all about networking. I created some new Instagram friends like Jill from JilliePants and Talia from Four 26 Events.

But that wasn’t the only thing I took away from the event. Melinda gave some amazing tips about ways to market myself as a blogger. Here are just a few things she suggested. 

Honeys Making Money  with Melinda Jackson PR from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom


But don’t just do any event. Make sure it makes sense for you to do the event. I try to find at least one event to attend a month for my business. I will admit that since July I have been a little slack but HELLO I had a wedding to take of first ( I know you are dying to hear all about it and I promise there will be a post coming soon. But with events, I took it as places to market your business. Although Melinda was speaking to business owners, I still felt like it applied to me. 

Honeys Making Money  with Melinda Jackson PR from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom


The next thing we discussed was Facebook Ads. In the blogging world, we get so caught up in the ever-changing algorithms of Facebook and Instagram that we are often discouraged about even using social media. Melinda said the way to go is through targeted Facebook Ads. You can get as detailed as you would like and it is all about trial and error. I have found some success with these types of ads but I don’t pay a lot for ads because a little bit of money can go a long way. 

Honeys Making Money  with Melinda Jackson PR from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Being Consistent

Consistency is key to social media. Make sure the content you are posting is consistent with your brand. But also be aware of what is happening in the nation. In a perfect world batch planning your social media works. I do that on my Facebook page with my frugal tips of the day. Whenever I find tips and don’t want to forget them I schedule them out. But I also found that if that was all I posted on my Facebook page, then I wouldn’t get the engagement on posts so I try to find supplemental things as well pictures of things that are happening in our life. 

Honeys Making Money  with Melinda Jackson PR from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Most importantly, be yourself. Let your personality shine and show people how you are uniquely you. I struggle with this a lot. Why? You ask because I am constantly comparing myself to other bloggers and when I do, I tend to think I am not good enough. So I have had to mute them on Social Media so I quit comparing myself to them. 

And the second most important thing I took away from Melinda’s talk was You don’t know if you don’t ask. I never would have gotten the opportunities that I have in this blogging career if I never stepped out of my comfort zone and took the leap into the blogosphere. I think back on these years I have been blogging and see how far I have come. But the biggest step I have ever taken was asking my favorite soccer player, Austin Da Luz for an interview which turned into a series on the blog. 

Honeys Making Money  with Melinda Jackson PR from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

So I was happy that I was able to attend Melinda’s workshop Honeys making Money, because not only did it teach me some new things but also reinforced what I already knew. If you ever get a chance to hear Melinda speak, I suggest you take the time to go, listen and learn. 

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