Meet Talia Hair
Today I am letting you meet another fun-loving woman who I met at an event in Dunn, NC. From the moment we met, we clicked. Keeping reading and meet Talia Hair and learn about her. And remember if you missed any profile in this series you can go here to catch up.
Tell me a little bit about you.
My name is Talia Hair. I live in Sampson County with my husband of almost 3 years, Kenneth. I was born and raised in North Carolina. I’m half Puerto Rican. I was a military brat so my family did 3 tours in Panama, Central America when I was younger.
Tell me about your business.
I own Four 26 Events which offers event coordination and planning services for weddings and corporate events. I launched my business in early 2019. The name of my business is the date my husband and I eloped (April 26, 2017). In addition to my business, I still work full-time as a Senior Contract Specialist for a prison supplier. I oversee bids and contract for 5 states in the south. I’ve been with this company for 5 years. My goal is to go full-time with my business in mid-2022.
What struggles have you faced in your business?
One of the biggest struggles I’ve had is the comparison game. I’ve always been a top performer and when you’re just starting your business, you probably won’t have the most bookings, the most ideal client initially, the most income, etc. I’ve had days questioning what I’m doing because of seeing the “highlight reel” of other planner’s businesses.
How have you overcome those struggles?
When I catch myself feeling that way, it’s typically because of social media. It seems crazy, but I unfollow accounts sometimes for that reason. I also do a self-check. Each planner that I look up to, had a first-year in business that wasn’t the most glamorous. We ALL have to start somewhere. I’ve also met with some of those planners I look up to and guess what?! They feel the SAME way with planners ahead of them.
Who were your mentors growing up?
- I have always looked up to my mother. She raised four children, nearly on her own since my dad was in the military. While we PCS’d with him sometimes, my mom was always at the helm leading me when my dad was away. She always put me before her own wants and needs. When I was in my late teens, I remember telling a recruiter for the Marines that when I grew up, I wanted to be a stay at home mom, because I know what a positive impact my mom had on me.
- As far as someone on a global level, I always looked up to Princess Diana. She was such an amazing woman who used her global platform for good, rather than for fame. She actually passed away on my birthday.
If you were to give advice to a woman going into the field, you are in what would it be?
I have two bits of advice.
a) Be open to feedback from others in the business! I hired a wonderful business consultant (Megan Gillikin of A Southern Soiree) not long after starting my business. It has allowed me to build my business on a firm foundation thus far.
b) Take your time. Long term success doesn’t come overnight. Small steps add up to miles – it just takes time. Patience is very important (coming from someone who is impatient ).
Have you found that being a woman in your field is harder or easier? Tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of being a woman.
Most wedding coordinators/planners are women, so I wouldn’t say it’s made it harder. Being a woman in a corporate setting can be challenging. A woman can have the same ideas, actions, expressions or demeanor as a man, and she is perceived as bossy rather than a leader.
Have you ever have to overcome a hostile work environment?
Yes. I think at some point most people have worked in a hostile work environment. Whether it’s a demeaning manager or dealing with sexual harassment – it certainly makes being in your work environment very uncomfortable. It can even make you question yourself along the lines of – have I done something to warrant this – knowing you certainly haven’t.
What made you decide on your chosen field?
Coordination and planning allows me to use various skill sets I’ve acquired over the years for the purpose of executing someone’s special day. I love building relationships not only with my clients but also with fellow vendors. Each event is unique and special in its own way. I don’t believe the saying “if you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life!” Since starting my business, I have work harder than I ever have. I’m building MY brand and I’m in charge. My decisions impact my trajectory. It is honestly scary to think about sometimes.
Anything else you would care to share.
These are not serious by any means, but you’re more than welcome to use them if you want! I’m a lover of all memes, Mexican food, chocolate ice cream and getting handwritten notes in the mail. People think I’m crazy when I tell them I don’t drink coffee, soda or sweet tea anymore (because we are in the south!) I used to get a mani and a pedi religiously every two weeks, but have since toned down my addiction after seeing how much it cost when I looked at my 2018 budget/spend!
She sounds pretty awesome. I love that she is able to keep on going. That’s what it is all about.