Breaking the Soda Habit
It has been no secret that I have been trying to live a healthier life. But I will admit that I have been totally slack as of late. The girls being home from school has totally gotten me out of my routine and I so need to get back into it very soon.
Luckily, they go back school in about two weeks so hopefully things will get back into sync. When I started on this journey, I didn’t know how hard it was going to be. One of the things that I had to give up was soda. Think giving up soda is an easy chore, it isn’t I can tell that. I suffer from chronic migraines and sometimes the only way to keep the migraines at bay is to have a glass of soda. But then I feel bloated and look like a beached whale. No joke. I will admit that this had been a struggle for me. But then I found some amazing tips on how to break the soda habit.
I had several of those why didn’t I think of doing that moment when I was reading all those tips. They are really so simple and easy to do that I didn’t feel like I was losing anything by cutting out or cutting back, but in fact, I was gaining something better. A me that no longer looked like a beached whale but also felt better. And by feeling better, I was able to get back into the routine of exercising again. Even if it is a just a short walk around our neighborhood with the family.
The most important thing I learned is that cutting back slowly is better than totally cutting things out. First, because your body slowly adjusts to it and second because I found I no longer craved the soda.
So tell me what you have used to break the soda habit?
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So great — thank you thank you! I will start thinking about quitting pop, but I’m not quite there yet! haha.