The View from My Writing Space

Y’all, I can’t begin to describe how it feels when I walk through the door of the Blog Cabin to work. I will admit that I have been taking it for granted and even going as far as ignoring it. But in a conversation over the weekend, I have come to respect the space so much more. I worked hard for it and still work my butt off so I can maintain it and upgrade it as needed. So with that said, I thought I would share with you the view from my writing space.

My desk has changed throughout the years. I first started out with a farmhouse table which now makes it home in my dining room. I loved the length of the table, and the width allowed me to spread out when I was working. The only downside to this was because it was a table there was no place for storage. So after several years, I found it a new home in my dining room and got another smaller actual desk with two drawers for storage.

That desk was awesome for storage, but I found if I was working with multiple computers- my desktop and laptop- I just felt so crowded. And honestly, it notched up my anxiety. And forget about concentration and being able to put two words together to write a sentence that actually makes sense.
So that brings me to desk number three. But before I share that one- the other desk found a home in Gracie’s room as she wanted a smaller one in her room and her desk – which is an older heavier desk is gonna find a home in one of the spare bedrooms as an entertainment center.

Now onto my current desk – Desk number three. I will have to say I looked a long time for a desk that would give me some storage like the smaller desk, and the huge workplace like the farmhouse table but the ones I wanted that had drawers were way out of my price range. So I let my fingers go walking through Amazon. (Hello, My name is Melissa and I am addicted to shopping on Amazon.) I looked for almost a month and kept adding desks to my wish list until I finally made the decision on the one I have.
When I first got it, I will admit that I didn’t love it. But once I add my little baskets and was able to find a place for the handpainted cardinal box that my generous middle daughter found while she was thrifting. And now I love it. I am able to move the desktop computer around, and I still have room for not only my laptop but also my folders and clock. I even added a cow creamer that I found that I use as a vase for the flowers from outside the Blog Cabin.
So that is the view from my writing space. Tell me do you have a special place where you write, craft, or read? Leave a comment below.