Secure your household against financial upheavals by thrifty living

house financialIt’s a very common misconception that all those who live frugally generally do so out of necessity as they don’t have much money available with them. However, that’s not the truth as there are many who live frugally by choice. This is the reason why quite a few moms can maintain a debt free household. It’s not like living frugally means not spending at all, but rather it’s more about achieving a certain financial status that’s l help you and your family live a sound financial life.


How to live a thrifty life – Tips to help you do so


As a mother, if you wish to maintain sound finances for your household, then here are some tips that’ll help you do so effectively. This is actually the best way to go rather than having to consider debt relief later.


1.      Secure your finances: As a mom, the first thing that you’ve got to realize is that there’s no way you can do much to live a thrifty life unless and until you secure your finances. One thing you can always do is look for opportunities to secure your job through specialized training and advanced degrees. These are methods by which you actually make yourself more valuable for your company. Another very important thing you should do is build an emergency fund for your children.


2.      Go thrifty on food: You might as well understand that food always consumes a large amount of the family budget, so it’s advisable to control your expenses in that area. If you practice thrifty shopping techniques, then you’d be able to cut back on your food bills considerably. Try shopping for extra non-perishable items when you’re getting them at a great discount. Plan your meals according to the pantry items and sale items of the week. Try making a list of your family’s favorite frugal meals and have them on your menu to get through lean financial times.


3.      Try reusing stuff: It’s always a good idea to get into the habit of reusing stuff to save quite a few precious dollars. For instance, if you’ve got extra glass or plastic bottles lying around, then instead of throwing them away keep them aside. You can fill them with warm water and hold them near for warming your feet, or perhaps use it to warm your sheets and likewise.


4.      Decrease your debt: This is actually one of the most important steps that you need to take as a mom for your household. Remember, eliminating debt always increases your net worth as well as your debt to income ratio. This again increases your chances of getting an auto loan or home mortgage when you actually need it.


Keep in mind the 4 tips discussed above and practice frugal living to secure yourself a sound financial life.

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  1. This is great info to have, thanks! I also sell things we no longer use (but that are still useful and in good condition) on eBay or via garage sales. That way you aren’t throwing away useful items (plus help the environment and bring in a little extra cash, too!)

  2. There is a peace of mind when a person lives below their income level. I have been living a frugal life ever since I was young. I have never had a serious financial problem because I live a frugal lifestyle! I do not believe in going in debt for material items. Also, I use coupons on everything, and I buy marked down meat and other food items.

  3. We never buy anything new if we can help it! We’ll wait months if we have to to find what we want on craigslist. If it’s worth having, it’s worth waiting for!

  4. Thanks to a couple of life changes, I’ve had no choice but to learn to live more frugally. I’m always looking for more tips on being thrifty, so I appreciate this post. I wish I had learned how to be thrifty a long time ago. My family was so wasteful.

  5. Some wonderful tips you have shared. Times are just going to get tougher so I will be using the tips. Thanks for sharing

  6. We have made it a point that unless we win something (yay!) that nothing “new” comes into the house. Everything we’ve gotten over the past year, other than food, has been gotten through bartering, craigslist, free cycle, bartering and trading, etc. The kids and I actually look at it as a kind of challenge, because to be honest, we still have plenty of new items here at home that have never been used or touched…dvd’s, name it..and the waste when I look around is awful 🙁 My husband..not so much on the bandwagon…he doesn’t embrace it like we do.. who knew a man would freak out over not purchasing paper towels any longer?! LOL

  7. Very good tips. I have always tried to be frugal. We have no debt and have some retirement saved. As long as everything doesn’t collapse, we should be alright. I never understood the families who would max out their credit cards and still eat out weekly and go on vacations.

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