Reaping the Benefits of Friends and New Experiences #FriendsWithBeneful
This post is made possible because my mommy got an ambassadorship with Beneful. She is now #FriendsWithBeneful
Hey Folks,
Allie here. I know it has been a long time since my last blog post but I have been extremely busy. I have lots to tell you so sit back, grab a glass of your favorite beverage and enjoy my adventures. First, I have learned that chasing the kittens can be fun, that is if it is the right kitten. Tyger is my chase buddy. I chase her and she chases me. There is no way that I would do that with Jinxy she plays way too rough.
I have a new best friend. Her name is Jerri and she is the dog of my sister Kata (Mikaela) boyfriend Lyman (but I call him LyLy). We have had several playdates mostly at her house. I will admit I was a little scared of her as she is pit bull mix and I am a little bitty thing, but that doesn’t stop me from playing with her. In fact, the other day she came over to our house to play and I barked at her and after that, she sort of left me alone. Oh did I mention, I have a second mommy as well,(shh don’t tell my mommy, but Lyman’s mom Judy treats me like a princess and I like that. 😉
And this summer I got into the pool for the first time. I love the pool, but mommy and daddy say that it isn’t good for me because of all the chemicals that are in the pool. But I sometimes am able to talk my older sisters into letting me get in the pool.
I do have a confession to make since school has been out for summer, I have gotten into the habit of pooping on the floor in the living room. Bad dog, I know right. It is my way of rebelling. But after I do it, my mommy spanks my butt and rubs my nose in it. And let me tell you it smells bad.
You know the saying that they saved the best for last. Well, that is exactly what I did with this blog post. I have some very exciting news. My mommy was selected to be an ambassador with Beneful dog food. With the #FriendsWithBeneful program, I get to post about awesome dog food and treats. I absolutely love Beneful and I hate sharing it but my human parents have always taught me to share so I will with my big sister Tutu. She doesn’t get to write blog posts like I do, so I guess that is okay. Hey, maybe that will be what my next blog post is about- sharing is caring.
Until Next Time,
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So adorable! I love how you care of your dog. I have a dog too. Her name is Lucy. But it hard to take her picture. She never focus to the camera. Love your picture.
Wow, they’re so lovely. I love my pet, and I think your blog is very useful to me. Thanks for sharing!