Preliminary Things a First-Time Parents Should Know

Preliminary Things a First-Time Parent Should Know from North Carolina Lifestyle Adventures of Frugal Mom

As a mom, it takes love and sacrifice to take care of your children, which is the most important job a parent, will endeavor. And as a mother with a newly born baby, it’s not merely just giving birth to a child, but it’s also the endless carrying and unconditional giving for a life dependent on you for their survival. It starts at the moment you conceive, as you share food and air, and the baby grows within you. It’s a beautiful sight to see the baby learn to talk, walk, run, but most importantly, gain the knowledge to thrive in life as he/she becomes older. Therefore, here is an article on the safety and health tips that first-time parents should know.

Safety and Health Tips for First-Time Parents

1. Babywearing

Studies have shown that the baby feels more comfortable when being held and carried. A lightweight baby wrap provides a great answer to the most challenging part of parenting, which is calming down a crying child. Not only does it reduce crying, but it also promotes a closer feeling to the parent and encourages mental and emotional development. An excellent benefit of a sling is it also assists first-time parents in their daily errands, allows discreet breastfeeding, and makes it easier to carry the baby around. Mommyhood101 has a huge list of the best baby wraps on the market, updated every few months with new releases.

2. Kangaroo care

Skin to skin contact with a baby’s mother can be emulated using a baby wrap. With this wrap, the baby is in tune with the heartbeat of the mother and provides the essence of a transitional womb, especially for premature babies. 

Kangaroo care is initially developed back in the 1970s and is still widely used today. Infants are typically soothed by the heartbeat of its parents and allow the following:

  • Deep sleep
  • Greater parent and child bonding
  • Increases the development of cognitive and motor skills
  • Lessens stress from the outside environment
  • Promotes attachment and bonding

3. Swaddling

Swaddling came from old techniques way back in the 17th century. You can do this by wrapping your baby with a lightweight baby wrap around their body. This feeling resembles the mother’s womb and typically helps soothe a newborn baby. Proper swaddling places the arms of your little one close to the body while providing some space for movement of the legs. It keeps the baby warm and offers additional security and comfort.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, swaddling promotes a baby’s deep sleep. But due to some fatal risks, it should be stopped when the baby learns to roll on his own. And it must be taken with complete precautions and guidelines.

4. Bonding

Bonding with your baby is the most pleasurable time for both of you. It can be as little as waking up in the middle of the night, feeding and changing diapers. For some, bonding is the intense attachment that makes parents want to shower their little ones with love and affection. 

You begin by cradling your infant, rocking, and gently stroking his skin while talking to them. Making time for attachment poses an intimate relationship towards your baby, and through time, allows your infant to know his parent’s touch. Here are some of the little ways on how you can bond with your infant:

  • Smiles and small talks
  • Making a face to your baby
  • Singing melodies to your baby
  • Cradling while dancing with your baby
  • Baby massage
  • Doing peek-a-boo games

Babies are born differently from each other, and it’s up to you to find what will soothe your infant’s mood. Additionally, every parent has a different way to calm their baby when it’s crying. With the tricks mentioned above, you can easily calm your baby down and building a strong bond with them, which will make your baby happy and healthy. 

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