The Many Uses of Toothpaste
There are many things in your home that have multiple purposes you’re not even aware of. By knowing the possibilities, a certain product can offer can be of great significance in your further ordeals.
Toothpaste is something you can find in every home. But did you know that it can be used for many more things besides cleaning your teeth? Toothpaste is one of the many products in your home that have so many purposes that some other products can be completely obliterated from use in your household.
Toothpaste can be used in removing scuffed spots from your leather shoes. Simply apply some to a soft, cotton cloth and rub the area clean. Afterward, simply clean it with a damp cloth and they will look brand new.
Also, you know that white, rubbery part of your sneakers that’s so hard to clean? Well, not anymore it isn’t! Apply some toothpaste to a cloth and rub it clean! No more stressing about that!
In case you own a piano, you are very well-aware of how unclean your piano can be. You’ve probably been using specially designed cleaning products which, of course, cost you more money. Instead, clean your piano with toothpaste, and you’ll get the same, amazing results.
The lower part of your clothes iron is something that’s simply meant to be dirty, isn’t it? Well, not actually. Toothpaste is perfect for scrubbing your clothes iron. That’s actually if you don’t use a gel toothpaste.
If you happen to have a baby in your household, you know how smelly those baby bottles can get. As it turns out, toothpaste can achieve amazing results when it comes to removing that sour smell. Just make sure to rinse them thoroughly.
A common problem for a family with toddlers is crayons all over the walls. There is so much of your kids’ artistic expression all over your walls you gave up a long time ago. There is simply no easy way of getting rid of that. Actually, you would be wrong. Toothpaste works great for removing crayons from your walls. Rinse the affected area with some water. Not only is it easy, but it also leaves absolutely no stains.
The same principle works with removing those stubborn ink stains from your clothes. No more special detergent, no more soaking. Apply some toothpaste to the stain and then fiercely rub the clothes. However, this may not work on certain fabrics.
Another great use of toothpaste is to prevent your mirrors, glasses and other shiny surfaces from fogging. You probably can’t remember the time your bathroom mirrors didn’t get all foggy, which inevitably resulted in you wiping away that fog with a towel. When it gets all dried up, you can see the marks your towel left so you get frustrated and clean it up. To prevent that hassle, simply coat your mirrors with toothpaste and then wipe them clean.
The same thing probably happens with your glasses. You are probably sick and tired of not being able to see a thing when changing temperatures. Wipe your glasses with some toothpaste and wipe them clean and you will rid yourself of the problem easily.
Toothpaste is great for taking care of those boring pimples. Simply dab your pimple with some toothpaste before going to bed, and you will be surprised to learn a pimple is all dried up by morning. If you have sensitive skin, it may pose a problem.
In case you were bitten by a bug it probably itches like hell. Toothpaste can take care of even that. Simply dab it on top of the bite and enjoy the coolness and lack of irritation.
Even though you’ve probably been very careful with your mobile phone, you might have dropped it somewhere and now you’re stuck with a cracked screen. Your phone may still be functional, but it’s irritating to look at. Not anymore! Rub the toothpaste along the cracks and they will appear smaller. Not only that, it will make your phone look much better.
As you can see, toothpaste can be used for various purposes. Imagine what other things can be used for many other purposes in your home. Educate yourself and learn how to utilize what you have.
[info_box type=”pale_box”]Authors Bio: Matt Reilly is A home improvement housing writer currently working for Reilly Roofing and Gutters, Texas. He is a promoter of sustainable living, both on a large scale and through the use of eco-friendly technology in everyday life. [/info_box]
I use toothpaste on cleaning ivories. Clean them up with toothpaste and a toothbrush, then wipe them down with a damp cloth. Makes sense, since ivory is essentially elephant teeth. However, toothpaste will work just as well on modern pianos that usually have keys covered with plastic rather than real ivory.