List of Top 5 Organizations That Gives Back

Giving Back Series from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

It is officially December. And you know what that means? It is the start of my giving back series. Each day this month I will post either a way you can give back or profile organizations that give back. So check back every day to check out ways you can give back. 

How often do you think about the company behind a product before you buy it? Every purchase of yours contributes to several companies’ profits. However, Most companies take initiatives to make this world a better place through their corporate social responsibility programs. For some, it is an obligation while for others it is their way of giving back to the world. So, if you are investing in companies that really help to make this world a happy place, you can feel better seeing your money getting used in good causes.

Continue reading to find the top 5 companies with a generous heart and giving back spirit.

List of Top 5 Organization That Gives Back from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

  1. Microsoft

It is one of the legendary technology companies in the world. It’s not only leading in business but also in giving back to the world. Microsoft contributes immensely to the social welfare of the people. The company strongly support education and try every possible way to make it happen around the world. There are several programs, seminars, and campaigns that encourage the small educational institute in the rural areas of the world to educate more and more children. Microsoft sponsors financial aid to the nonprofit organizations to carry on good deeds without lacking capital.  Also, It renders its help for humanitArian relief and disaster management.

List of Top 5 Organization That Gives Back from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

  1. The Coca-Cola Company

Your glass of coke is also adding a lot to the benefit of society. The Coca-Cola company is a strong supporter of the women empowerment, water conservation, accessibility to clean water, youth development, unbiased education, and community welfares. It supports almost 300 nonprofit organizations around the globe by donating money every year. The company has a special interest in preserving natural resources and encouraging health education. Moreover, it invests hugely to research and develop safer ways to provide lusher and healthier future to the future generations.

List of Top 5 Organization That Gives Back from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

  1. Disney

This famous company does not only care about kids but also supports many nonprofit organizations to create a sustainable world. Disney has a huge following, and it utilizes its reputation to encourage more and more volunteering for the philanthropic causes around the world.

The company is known for its vivid imagination which Disney has proved through it several unique programs to encourage charities. Indeed, Disney is inspiring for every big brand companies.

List of Top 5 Organization That Gives Back from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

  1. Whole Foods Market

Buying supermarket food can’t be more satisfying. Whole Foods is making a remarkable contribution to the welfare of society through its multiple programs. Whole Foods is extensively involved in healthy nutrition, wellness, and community. Its foundations like the Whole food planet foundation strives to diminish the poverty and currently, it is actively working in more than 69 countries of the world. The Whole Kids Foundation is meant to support the nutrition for children with their various initiatives like the School Salad Bar Program, School Garden Grant Program, and Healthy Teachers Program. Also, It has The Whole Cities Program that helps eliminate food deserts in the areas where nutritional food is not accessible easily.

List of Top 5 Organization That Gives Back from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

  1. Google

Everybody is aware of the Google company and its special interest in the well-being of the people. It helps in multiple ways to create a better living for society. Google has separate organizations like Alphabet and Google Dot Org that helps with funds to various needful sectors such as agriculture and disaster relief. You can proudly say you are a user of Google services or products as they are doing a lot to give back to the world.

There are several websites supporting philanthropist programs and simultaneously helps you save money as well. One of them is, it gives coupons and supports education by providing scholarships to the student in need. It is their way to give back. What is your way to give back to the world?

Hope you find the listing helpful and it added to your knowledge!



Laura Himmer is like an extended family member for Couponbox. She is a great editor. Her niche area is fashion blogging, lifestyle and inspirational writing. She is a fitness freak and loves yoga. Laura is a fearless and fun loving woman

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