How to avoid a Wardrobe Malfunction at Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving will be here before you know it and here are some clothing tips that will sure to have you looking stylish and comfortable all at the same time. When you think of Thanksgiving what comes to your mind at first?? Food right. So if you are already planning your Thanksgiving wardrobe here are some tips to help you decide what to wear. The first thing is stay away from anything that has buttons. Seriously, after eating all that turkey and pie your buttons are likely to pop off and go flying and poke out an eye of one of your family members. Don’t laugh you know it has happened before. The next bit of advice I can give is to wear clothes that are comfortable enough to take a nap in because turkey is a known inducer of sleep. So you know what that mean no jeans, no fussy clothes and anything that is form fitting. Go for sweatpants, leggings and big sweaters or shirts. If your pajamas are stylish enough try wearing them instead. There are a lot of pajama styles out now that you can’t tell if they are pajamas unless you tell people that. But just don’t be like the people of Wal-Mart because you never know when a well-meaning relative post pictures on Facebook and tags you in them for the entire world to see. Remember comfort but within reason.
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