How do you take care of your skin?
I have not been one to wear a lot of makeup but I do wear some. The key to beauty is skincare. Sometimes we tend to neglect our skin washing it with harmful chemicals and not protecting it from the sun. Some people are just blessed with beautiful and flawless skin. Take for instance my two teenage daughters, Maddie and Mikaela, are 17 and 14. Maddie is prone to breakouts. Her skin goes from one extreme to another it is either too dry or she breaks out because of the oil on her face. Now Mikaela, on the other hand, has been blessed with porcelain doll skin. It is flawless and has a shine that you normally would achieve wearing makeup. Both come from the same parents but yet Mikaela was blessed with perfect skin. Maddie tends to find a product that works for her and sticks with it. She does try a new product from time to time but for the most part, she has the set routine of washing her face several times a day. Whereas Mikaela washes her face maybe once a day and she still looks good.That is not to say that her face does not break out, but when it does it normally only last a day at the most. It’s all just a matter of trying to find the best face wash for specific skin types. So if you are looking for the latest beauty tip remember that skincare should be the basis of anyone’s beauty regime.