Being Called to Do Difficult Things
Do we listen when we are being called to do difficult things? Or do we bury our head in the sands and hope and pray that calling goes away. I have recently been pondering that dilemma and then I was hit with a devotional in my inbox about Staying on the Hard Road. It was like I was hit by a Mack truck. Yes, when we are called to difficult things it is hard, nothing in life that is worthwhile is easy but it only makes us appreciate what we have even more. So here are some of the difficult things I have been going through that have made me appreciate what I have even more.
Loss of a very close friend
Not loss like they physically died but loss over words spoken by both sides that lead to misunderstanding. I could no longer be that person for her because I was physically and emotionally tired from everything that was laid at my feet. It spilled into other parts of my life and instead of saying I can’t handle it anymore, I withdrew and then when I wanted to speak to her about how I was feeling, mind you I wanted to speak to her where she could see my face so that things that I was going to say she would know would come out of a place of love and concern. But sadly that phone call never happened. And let me give you a word of advice: text messages are not good when you are trying to get your point across with love. No matter what I said she read into what she wanted and sadly I was “let go” in the friendship. Which brings me to the point of the friends I do have I appreciate so much more. We are there for each other through thick and thin. We are not only there for each other in the good times but also in the bad. Do I mourn the loss of this amazing friend? Yes, more than you know and I pray that with God’s guidance we will find our way back to each other with open hearts. Hearts filled with love and zero animosity. I have placed it in God’s hands and I know if it is His will that we will find each other again. If only for me to say sorry for my part in the misunderstanding.
I know you think this might be trivial but I have had a love-hate relationship with my hair since I was a little girl. In a way, it is a symbol it became a symbol of who I thought people would like to see. So I straightened and used tons of products on it, always trying to be “just like everyone else.” This past week I decided to embrace all the natural curls that God gave me and just be the authentic me that I know I am and to stop worrying about the superficial stuff.
So many friends around me are going through divorces and I will admit that there are sometimes I toy with that thought. But then my husband does something so sweet like take a hike with me this past Saturday, that I can’t help fall in love with him all over again. ( Mind you the little hike was only supposed to be a small one to get me moving). Who knew that we would end up hiking the longest trail at the Cliffs of The Neuse State Park.
That hike was another difficult situation that I learned that I just had to plow through when we were about halfway through the hike, we had to make the difficult decision of whether to turn around and go back the way we came or keep heading forward and see where we ended up. That was when I came across the trees marking an “X” that I posted a picture of on my Instagram. I knew the decision was mine and guess what I did? I moved forward and we emerged from the hike an hour later so much better than when I went in. I am so glad I chose to look ahead instead of turning and running back into the past.
So tell me what hard and difficult things are you going through?