Are You Concerned About BPA?


Have you seen the studies regarding BPA? I know you are probably asking yourself  the question what is BPA? BPA stands for Bisphenol A. It is a chemical that has been used for more than 40 years in the manufacturing of many hard plastic food containers such as baby bottles, reusable cups, lining of metal food and beverage cans, including canned liquid formula.

In recent studies BPA have had some subtle effects on lab animals. It has not been proven to harm children or adults. But the Department of Health and Human Services are investing a significant amount of money for further studies. In the meantime, the FDA is supporting current efforts by industries to stop the manufacturing of infant bottles and feeding cups made with BPA from the United States Market.

So why do you need to know this? To begin with I, myself, did not know anything about BPA until I joined a newsletter. After reading about this I decided I wanted to research it more. Now remember, at this point I am willing to try anything to help with the health of my family. I have to admit that after reading the research- the jury is still out on this subject for me. But that does not mean that I will continue to look at plastic food containers the same way again. The reports that I read have convinced me to change some of the habits that we have. I personally do not have to be concerned with the bottles or sippy cups ( we are done with that stage) but I am going to make a concentrated effort to limit or eliminate BPA in our house. So what do you know about BPA? Are you concerned?


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One Comment

  1. I’ve actually read up some on BPA and now look for products specifically labelled BPA free. The amount of chemicals and toxins in everyday products is alarming.

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