10 Invaluable Tips That Will Keep Your Baby Safe At Home
As a parent, your greatest priority will be to ensure that your baby is safe and sound at all times. If you’re interested in discovering 10 safety tips that will ensure that your baby is safe and sound, from your home, simply continue reading. As you might be surprised by some of the potential safety hazards which may exist in your home.
- Install Baby Safety Gates
While most moms and dads remember to place a safety gate at the top of their staircase, most parents forget to place a safety gate at the bottom of their staircase. Which is a potential hazard as if your baby may climb your staircase and tumble back down.
- Keep Your Baby’s Crib As Clutter Free As Possible
While you may be tempted to decorate your baby’s cribs with soft toys, blankets, and decorative pillows, it’s wise to keep your baby’s crib as clutter free as possible. As extra items such as soft toys and extra blankets may fall onto your baby, while they’re sleeping and may cause suffocation.
- Keep Pot Plants Out Of Reach
While pot plants may not seem dangerous, it’s important to remember that some plants are poisonous and should be kept away from curious babies, who may try to eat any flowers or leaves that they can reach. After all, babies will put just about any object in their mouths.
- Invest In Protective Corner Edges
To prevent your baby from injuring themselves on a table leg or a set of drawers, it’s well worth placing protective corner edges on any sharp corners that you find.
- Place Outlet Covers On All Of Your Unused Electrical Sockets
If your baby has started to crawl, it’s advisable to place child proof outlet covers on your unused electrical sockets, in order to prevent your baby from experiencing a nasty electric shock. It’s also well worth placing a heavy piece of furniture such as a sofa, in front of any unused electrical sockets.
- Purchase A Changing Table Which Features Safety Straps Or Buckles
It’s well worth purchasing a changing table which boasts safety straps as the last thing that you want is for your baby to roll of a high changing table, in the middle of a diaper change.
Furthermore, whatever you do, don’t leave your baby on a changing table, without supervision. It’s well worth making sure that you have all the items that you’ll need such as fresh diapers and baby wipes on hand, before attempting to change your baby’s diaper.
- Lock Up Your Medicine And Cleaning Products
Make sure that you keep any medicine that your family requires in a cabinet that your little one can’t reach. If possible keep medicine and dangerous items such as cleaning products, in a cabinet which is located at eye level.
Alternatively, you may want to invest in special child-proof safety latches, which will ensure that your baby is kept out of your medicine or cleaning cabinet.
- Place A Non-Slip Mat In Your Bath
Placing a non-slip mat in your bath will ensure that your baby doesn’t slip during bath time. Alternatively, you can also purchase non-stick strips, which you can place on the bottom of your bath.
- Ensure That Your Baby’s Bath Is Kept At A Safe Water Level And Temperature
When it comes to baby’s bath time also make sure that you run a shallow bath, to prevent your baby from drowning. Also, ensure that your baby’s bath is lukewarm as babies are remarkably sensitive to heat and won’t be able to tell you if their bath water is too hot!
- Make Sure That Your Baby’s Toys Are The Appropriate Size
Never give your baby toys to play with that can fit inside your babies mouth as small objects such as dolls and figurines may cause your baby to choke. Instead, opt for baby-specific toys that are larger than your baby’s mouth. Also, ensure that dolls and soft toys don’t feature buttons or eyes that may fall off and pose a choking hazard.
So if you’re serious about significantly decreasing your baby’s chances of being involved in a home a based accident. Be sure to action the 10 safety tips listed above!
About The Author
Crystal is the founder of MakeYourBabyLaugh. She wrote the blog to help parents who are struggling to raise their children. She hopes that her experiences in child-rearing can inspire and help parents overcome their parenting struggles
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