Wait, What Should My Fitness Goals Be In The First Place?

When it comes to fitness, one of the most difficult aspects might be determining where to begin. With so many options and so much information available, deciding what your objectives should be may be difficult. After all, it’s very easy to think that obligation, as in “I should probably start exercising,” has overtaken “wait, how would I like to exercise to live a better and more enjoyable life?”

By taking the time to consider what you want to achieve and what is important to you, you may make meaningful and attainable goals you’re actually interested in sticking to. No one could forgive you for pausing your fitness goals if it’s a complete chore and boring for you to follow. 

In this post, we’ll discuss how you might even begin to plan for those fitness goals in the first place, hopefully helping you feel more confident and assured in your forward approach. It’s the least you deserve, after all.

Be Realistic About Your Current Fitness Level

The first step in determining the best home or gym fitness goals is to be honest about your current fitness level. This includes assessing your physical activity, nutrition, and overall health. It’s okay to be unfit, out of shape, overweight and tired. You won’t have to remain that way.

Begin by maintaining a food journal, recording your activity, and keeping track of your body weight and measurements. You should also consult with your doctor to receive a more accurate picture of your health. You can get a feel of where you’re starting from and what areas you want to focus on improving by measuring your current fitness level. This doesn’t mean you should obsess over these stats – how you feel takes precedence overall. But it can help you plan a better route forward – such as deciding to swim as opposed to running, knowing that your knees will be better off.

What Are Your Goals?

After determining your current fitness level, remember that you get to set your fitness goals based on what you hope to achieve and how you’d like to get there. Consider what is important to you and what you aim to accomplish via exercise. Some people desire to reduce weight, while others want to enhance their general health or have more energy. You should also think about what inspires you. Perhaps this time next year, you want to run a half marathon to raise money for a cause you care deeply about.

Moreover, is it the sense of satisfaction that comes from completing an exercise that motivates you more than the competition? Do you want to meet more people through yoga? Understanding your beliefs and motives might help you develop meaningful objectives that you are more likely to stick to.

SMART Goals Always Help

SMART goals stand for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. A SMART aim is one that is clear and succinct, with a quantifiable and achievable target. It should also be linked to your beliefs and reasons, and it should include a time period for when you want to attain it. “I want to lose 10 pounds in the next three months,” for example, is a SMART objective. Setting SMART goals will allow you to measure your progress and stay motivated as you work towards your fitness objectives. With a service like Fitness 19, you can then make that a reality.

With this advice, you’re sure to set fitness goals you really do care about and are likely to achieve. Good luck!

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