The Top 3 Parenting Blogs You Can’t Live Without

The top 3 parenting blogs you can’t live without

Being a full-time parent is one of the most challenging professions especially for new moms and dads. Some people may experience difficulties in balancing parenthood and their career or in financing the costs of raising a child. Others do not have a clear strategy yet on how to impose discipline on their children while helping them develop their independence, and provide them with a quality education. On the bright side, seeing our children grow up well, happy, healthy, and safe beyond these challenges is definitely a priceless experience.

In your journey as a parent, getting valuable insights from the experts will always be beneficial. Parenting blogs are not just resources for pieces of advice but also for tips regarding health and wellness, budgeting, pregnancy, family activities, travel, and more. It is also an avenue for parents to share their experiences with other people. But with thousands of parenting blogs that you can find online, you might be confused on which one should you follow. To make things less complicated, here are three of the best parenting blogs that you can’t live without.

  1. The Toddle

Not all blogs are created equal. But if you are looking for a complete parenting blog with interesting contents from some of the top parenting experts, then you should consider following “The Toddle”. The blog contains useful guides from ensuring a healthy and safe pregnancy to helping you make important decisions and strategies in raising your children. It also contains popular topics and frequently asked questions on health and family development that are contributed by skilled professionals themselves. Whether your children are sleep-deprived or are not getting proper nutrition, “The Toddle” has got you covered.

At “The Toddle”, you can also get a free access to product reviews and full activity guides for you children. More resources will be added soon; so make sure to follow and bookmark the blog now and be the greatest parent you could ever be.

  1. Kelly Mom

“Kelly Mom” is one of those veteran blogs when it comes to parenting and other related topics such as health and nutrition, growth stages, and pregnancy. It also advocates the importance of breastfeeding during early childhood. You will not only expect to read real stories but you will also have a chance to learn some of the basic concepts on parenting on a technical side. But don’t worry just yet as all articles in the blog are easy and fun to read. The things that you will learn from “Kelly Mom” will always come in handy in the future.

“Kelly Mom” is translated into five other languages. It also features a shop for free and paid resources and has social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube which you can connect with.

  1. Free-Range Kids

“Free-Range Kids” was conceptualized in 2008 after Lenore Skenazy, dubbed as “America’s Worst Mom”, made the headlines with her otherwise unconventional strategy of parenting. Lenore’s decision to allow her nine-year old son to take the New York City subway all by himself actually received more praises than negative criticisms. Lenore’s blog contains information on free-range parenting (backed by laws, bill of rights, and statistics) which teaches children to become independent and smart decision-makers at an early age. As a blogger, speaker, columnist, author, and TV show host, Lenore Skenazy has inspired many parents to adopt the free-range strategy of parenting.

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