How To Make Renting Easier When You Have Children

renting with kids

Being a renter with a family can sometimes be a difficult task. You have to cram your family into a small abode, and maybe you were already in a small one when you started building your family. Now it seems even smaller.

The size of your apartment aside, renting also comes with other issues, like paying bills on time and dealing with neighbors. Luckily renting also offer some good things, like the fact that major repairs on things like your furnace or your kitchen sink are all someone else’s responsibility.

The key to making the most of your rental home is to start by finding a good property manager. Look for a place to live that offers 24-hour maintenance services and the ability to pay your rent online. After that, the rest is up to you.

You Can Pay Your Bills Online

Try to set things up so that you can pay all of your bills online, not just your rent. Paying bills online can help you better pay them on time and it can save you from needing to load the kids up for a trip to the post office. You’ll also save money on stamps and envelopes.

You could set up automatic withdrawals if that’s an option with your credit cards or utility companies. Just make sure you remember to subtract it out of your own bank register on time to avoid overdrafts. Never forget to pay another bill on time.

Get Creative With Space

As your family grows your space shrinks, but that doesn’t mean you need to move. Little ones can bunk together, and older siblings of the same sex can also share a room together. That means you need fewer rooms.

Consider living more of a minimalist lifestyle and you’ll have less stuff you need space for. Make sure everyone uses the same shampoos and conditioners, and even body wash, to save money on bathroom needs. Use washcloths instead of the puffy exfoliating scrubbers that need to be replaced more often.

Invest in some good shelving for your home and keep things like books, art supplies, and games organized and off the floor. Teach your children to be more organized in their rooms as well.

Get To Know Your Neighbors

With neighbors on one or both sides of you, sharing walls, and possibly above and below you, there are times when you are bound to annoy each other. Instead of constantly calling the rental office to complain about your neighbors take some time to get to know them.

When you are friends with, or at least friendly with, your neighbors it’s easier to simply go knock on their door and ask them to turn the music down when your kids are trying to sleep. It’s better than calling the cops and making enemies of your neighbors.

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