Tips for Staying On Top of Household Chores as a New Mom

Tips for Staying On Top of Household Chores as a New Mom from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Congratulations on your latest addition! Having a new baby is exciting, but it can wreak havoc on your home if you don’t keep on top of it. So, making sure you have a plan will help you feel more prepared to care for yourself, as well as your latest addition. Here are a few tips for staying on top of everything as you recover.

Establish a Cleaning Schedule

Establishing days for certain chores can help you keep track of what needs to be done. That way, you know you are not forgetting anything. So, sit down and write out all of the chores you need to do on a weekly basis such as changing sheets, vacuuming, laundry, dusting, cleaning bathrooms, etc. establish what days would be easiest for each chore, and stick to it as much as you can. It helps you keep track of what’s done and what’s been missed. So, your house will stay neat, and you’ll have peace of mind.

Donate Thing you Don’t Want

When you have a new baby, you get free items from the hospital, and often gifts from family members and friends. If there’s anything you don’t need or want, don’t hang onto it. Clutter can make for a messier house, and maybe a friend or someone in need can find a use for an item you do not want.

Get a “Return Bin” 

Keeping a bin in the main room of your house can be super helpful when you clean up for the evening. You can put things that need to go to other rooms in it such as baby toys, books, or clothing items. When you’re cleaning the room you and your family spend the most time in, simply toss the items that need to be returned to other rooms in the bin and as you walk through the house, carry the bin with you and put the items back as you go. When your baby is older, you can establish a return bin for each family member, and have each person take their bins back to their rooms to put items away themselves.

Get a Baby Holder

Many new babies don’t like being put down. So, having a baby holder is a lifesaver!  A baby holder allows you to carry your baby at all times. It also keeps your hands free so you can continue to do your chores uninhibited. Some parents also use baby carriers while gardening, hiking, and even traveling. A baby carrier is an absolute must-have!

Hire Someone

If all else fails, hire a house cleaner. There’s nothing wrong with doing this so long as you can afford it. Having someone deep clean your house might be just what you need as you are recovering!

Do not get overwhelmed by cleaning. Just be sure to rest and get lots of baby snuggles. The cleaning will get done once you have gotten enough rest.

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