The Truth About Marriage
The other day I wrote about my role models, my dad, and my grandmother. In that story, I wrote how one (my grandmother) raised six children with little help from their dad and that the other had a happy marriage that lasted over 50 years. They would still be married if my dad hadn’t died.
They both were strong role models. I look around nowadays and see so many people who are giving up on their children and their marriage. Couples today are so easy to throw in the towel and file for divorce.
And the truth is marriage is hard. If it was easy everybody would be married and everyone would be happy. But just like nobody is perfect – no marriage is perfect either.
And if someone tells you that their marriage is perfect – run and hide. Because they aren’t telling you the whole truth. There are a ton of ups and downs in marriage, and after being married for 22 years, I will say there are seasons that marriages go through.
There is a season where everything is new and fresh, where everything seems perfect. Well until the first fight happens. Add a baby into the mix, and it just gets even more complicated. Because having children is a big adjustment to marriage. Sometimes time with your spouse can be put on the back burner as your kids start to control your time.
Then there is a period where the kids can stop being so dependent on you, and you can start to refocus on your marriage. ( I think this a must for every couple because before you know it, the kids will be gone and you will be sitting there looking at the stranger you married. I think that is why we hear of so many couples who have been together for years decide to go their separate ways after their children are grown.
I am not saying that my marriage is perfect by all means because it’s not. We are dealing with some issues right now that are hard. But I committed to stand by marriage and my husband ( even though there are some advising me to leave.). I know that this too is a season that we are going through. We just have to drop the anchor and hold on for dear life.
Because first, I don’t want my marriage to become another statistic and secondly, I don’t want my girls to be like most of their friends splitting time between their parents. And lastly, because no matter how much he infuriates me I still love my husband.
I’m not married yet, but it’s always interesting to hear about the real ups and downs of marriage as opposed to just the “relationship goals” we’re surrounded by on social media! Interesting post!
Yes so many people make their marriage seem perfect but it is really hard work.
This is so true! There is no perfection in marriage only persistence and dedication to making sure you give it all you have.