How I Broke Up with Perfect
Remember the other day when I wrote about the movie Bad Moms and how it made me look at things differently. The bracelet reminder has been huge for me. But this weekend, I had a totally imperfect moment that with all my negative self-talk could have easily been made into a huge mess and it almost did.
You see we were at my happy place, a Carolina Railhawks game. Before the game, I think I changed my shirt at least 5 or 6 times not happy with each one I put on. Not sure, if it was the hormones or what but I just felt like a blob. Nothing fit right and I could have easily stayed home from the game. But luckily, we had invited some friends to go with us, so there was no staying home for me.
I put on my best face and out the door we went. Of course, my mood perked up a little because I had that Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha before we left. But when we got to the game. I totally forgot how I looked.
I was just thankful to be back at my happy place. It had been almost 2 months since we had gone. I know shocker right. I was so glad to be back and loved watching the kids have fun at the game and was even able to snap a few pictures. I totally got one with my favorite Austin Da Luz. As I was posting all the pictures I had taken on Instagram on the ride home from the game, I hesitated posting the picture of Da Luz and I.
I thought to myself there is going to be a lot of photo editing on that one. I look gross. My hair is out of place and OMG look how fat I am. So I didn’t post the picture. Well until last night, (two days later)!
Last night I looked at the picture again and saw what I didn’t see before, the smile I had on my face was genuine. I was truly happy. Why because when that picture was taken, I wasn’t thinking about how I looked I was in the moment. I mean the moment was pretty special to me. Da Luz basically climbed the fence to snap the photo with me. That is why the smile was genuine because being in the moment is being the best you can be.
I will have to say before I read the book, Breaking Up with Perfect by Amy Carroll, I totally would not have posted that picture but this time, I didn’t let my negative self-talk get in the way. And I posted it for all the world to see.
Similar Posts:
- The Picture That Went Wrong
- A Night I Rather Forget
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- Sidelining with the Carolina Railhawks
- A Birthday Week Full of Highs and Lows
Getting rid of negative self-talk is so important. No need to be so tough on ourselves. Enjoy each moment in the moment!
Love this. Perfection really is unattainable and adds too much stress.
I love your smile! I am tough on myself, too and like you, I didn’t have the confidence of posting my pictures on social media. I would love to read this book.
That sounds like a good book if it’s helped you to change your outlook. I see a happy photo when I look at that picture – no imperfections just a lovely happy picture of a special moment x x
How inspiring you are. I think we work to hard to perfect and we miss out on moments that could be beautiful. Good for you fro living in the moment.
Love how your smile in that photo is so genuine! What comes through from the heart is the best!
I love the advice about living in the moment and not being so critical on yourself. We shouldn’t miss out on enjoying special moments in life because you’re feeling critical of yourself.
It makes me happy to see that you recognize your own joy. That is so important!
Congratulations on getting over it. I totally understand and struggle with posting photos so often myself. What it comes down to is the happiness I feel when being around my daughter shines brighter than the negatives I see about myself.
Good on you. 🙂
Way to go! Breaking up with Perfect is so hard to do. I had to let it go! Now I feel 100% confident in my own skin. Becoming a trained makeup artist really helped with my self esteem. Now I feel pretty with AND without makeup! Great post!
You have such a healthy outlook now! I love that you let that go and focused more on important things.
I love this! Such a positive and beautiful message for the ladies especially the moms who haven’t been feeling beautiful lately. It’s important that you forget about the standards that magazines and everyone else has set for us and just love yourself for who you are!
I love your post! Sometimes, perfection really breaks us and we should at least try to accept things athat are not meant to be perfect.
It’s super hard to not be critical of ourselves. I am very critical of myself and know that it’s not always healthy.
We are always our own worst enemies on what we think of ourselves and how we think others see us. So glad you are broke up with perfect you will miss out on a lot in life trying to be perfect.
I love this! Live for the moment and enjoy the memories, right? Smile on my friend, you’re beautiful! #HomeMattersParty
I love this post. It’s so important to concentrate on how the moments make us feel as opposed to always getting hung up on how we look. I love the smile on your face!
You look beautiful with a genuine smile , Melissa 🙂
I am desperately trying to break up with perfect. Reading you post is another step in the right direction for me. Thank you!
I think I need to read this book! I know that feeling of not posting because my hair wasn’t done or my shirt wasn’t one of my favorite and I was worried about my looks instead of what that moment really was.
This is awesome! I’m glad you had a great outcome of a wonderful picture. It is hard not to let the negative self-talk creep up. It is something I need to work on as well. Thanks for the reminder!
Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. I’m glad you were able to get past those negative thoughts that were trying to weigh you down.
Such an inspiring post! I love the photo! So happy to be hosting #HomeMattersParty with you!
I’m glad that you were able to break the cycle of feeling like you had to be “perfect”. The good news is none of us are perfect! Like you, I can’t stand having my picture taken and displayed anywhere anymore. Of course, I’m slowly overcoming that issue for my kids’ sake as well as growing my online presence.
This sounds like a great book too. Thank you for sharing your vulnerable position.
It is definitely a challenge to avoid negative self talk, especially when it comes to body image. Thank you for sharing this book recommendation. I will be sure to look for it at the local library.
Yes! Such a great attitude and a great post! (And I think the picture is adorable.)
What a great story. I’m so glad you went back and looked at the picture! You are so right, the most important thing is feeling good on the inside. We all have our days, don’t worry about that, You are a beautiful person inside and out!
Breaking up with perfect sounds like what i need to do. I am always so hard on myself.
Me too that is why that book is amazing
Good for you! I love this. You do look so genuinely happy. Glad you posted the pic 🙂
What a great read! I need to check out that book.
I. Love. This. I got her book in the spring and have been meaning to read it!! I definitely will now… <3