Why Shannon Beador Real Housewives and I are Alike
It is no secret that I am a fan of Bravo’s Reality Shows. I am a huge Real Housewives fan. I think I have watched everyone but there are some I love better than others. And then there are some housewives that I just connect with a way that doesn’t normally happen. This season while watching Shannon Beador Real Housewives of Orange County, I have caught glimpses of myself.
I can so sympathize with Shannon as I am struggling with all the weight I have put on the past few years. Stress will do that to you, my friend. And also like Shannon Beador, I am dealing with relationships that are tumultuous, to say the least.
It seems Shannon Beador Real Housewives is my soul housewife as I so can understand how she wants people to like her it seems like she has the open mouth insert foot syndrome like me. I am easily slighted like she is. There is nothing I would rather do than hang out with a group of friends but it seems I am the one initiating the calls, texts, and get-togethers. It seems that they have time for everyone else but me.
I will have to say I can see why Shannon Beador Real Housewives feels insecure. Her children are growing up like mine are and she is searching for a new role in this world. I have been doing exactly that in the last few years. Branching out more blog-wise, making myself come out of my comfort zone and getting out of the house more.
It doesn’t come easily to me, just like it doesn’t come easy to Shannon Beador Real Housewives of Orange County, but just like Shannon, I am working through issues that will make me stronger on the other side.
I will have to say that I admire Shannon for broadcasting her business for all the world to see. She is in fact I think the bravest housewife there is because it is easy to pretend like nothing is wrong and you have a ton of money etc but it is harder to admit that you are struggling and that you are not perfect and that you just want someone to hear you and to know that you are loved.
That is why Shannon Beador Real Housewives of Orange County is the housewife I am most like.
What about you? Do you identify with a TV reality personality? Let me know in the comments below!
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I admire people who are honest. I used to only open up to those closest to me as a way to protect myself. Lately I felt like sharing the struggles and sharing them is so important to share with those who are struggling silently because they feel they cannot share for various reasons in their own life. I enjoyed this blog post so much because I struggle as well and sometimes you just need to know you’re not the only one who feels that way. Then after that happens, you don’t feel so alone anymore. I don’t know who I relate to as a reality tv show, don’t watch those that often.
Yes it is hard to open up to people especially when those people disappear after you get real with them.
I really admire people who are honest about everything. It can sometimes be so hard to figure out what people really mean or how they really feel because they sugarcoat their words, so it’s refreshing to meet people who aren’t worried about saying what they really think or how they really feel and sharing their imperfections and insecurities with those around them.
I been watching a lot of shark tank and it’s making me want to be more dedicated in my photography business!
When I returned to school, that limited my reality tv time but I used to watch housewives back when it was like 1 or 2 cities. I catch game shows and love Survivor.
What I can relate to is the part where you said you find yourself initiating the texts and calls etc. I do know I’m good at planning but that sure doesnt mean I always want to. Lol.
It is really nice to see people being honest and transparent. Wishing you all the best, Melissa!!
I love this post girl! So real and true. In my mind I identify with the Kardashians, but in real life more so the girls that are a hot mess express LOL
-xo, Azanique | http://www.lotsofsass.com