Road to Recovery
Recovering from surgery has not been easy by all means. Who knew how much you need the use of both arms to accomplish the simplest of tasks- like getting dresses, fixing my hair and let’s forget the all important shaving those arm pits. I am not going to lie have a small forest growing under my shoulder right now. I would be lying if I said I handled recovery like a pro because let’s face it I didn’t. The surgery put me in a constant struggle to retain a positive outlook on life. On one hand it was nice to have my husband home during the week for the first few days after surgery. The bad thing is that he had to use vacation days to do this. Having to ask for assistance to help to use the bathroom is by far the most humbling especially when the only help available at the time are your 16 and 12 year old daughters. Oh and not to mention the immense amount of pain I was in. I was on pain killers as well as anti nausea meds as well. And I had two beautiful new accessories for my wardrobe. One was this massive bandage that covered my entire shoulder and then this lovely arm sling complete with ice packs.
That I know all the models will be supporting on the runways at any fashion show. And also did I mention that the day before the surgery my oldest, who is so mature for her age and who I depend on for a lot of stuff, left to attend college 3 hours away? So this feeling of helpless coupled with the fact that I missed my oldest caused me to go into a downward spiral. I soon figured out that I was dealing with the big “D”- Depression.
Tomorrow I will post more on this long road.
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