Parenting Equality and Expectations Between Men and Women

Parenting Equality and Expectations Between Men and Women from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Parenting is hard as it is. Within certain cultures, things become even more complicated. There is a long history of what men do and what women do when it comes to raising children. It’s not just about being rational. There are lots of traditions and expectations that come from society and even other generations of people. Navigating this can be extremely complicated, especially in today’s world where so much information is available about different cultures. Keep reading to find out more about Parenting Equality and Expectations Between Men and Women.

Thinking about equality and expectations will take on several colors as you brainstorm about it. Between the two spouses, who is expected to be the enforcer of rules and regulations? Which of the parents are supposed to create a more pristine appearance, and which is supposed to have more self-confidence? 

It is not just a matter of personality. It’s also a matter of gender constructs. And third, what if you and your spouse want to parent differently than your respective parents did? The generational tension about child-raising can be very intense these days.

The Enforcer

Typically, in a parental relationship, one parent is going to be the enforcer. It is the one who is more strict about the rules. Children eventually understand this relationship, and they will try to figure out how to manipulate it to their advantage. Don’t succumb to this manipulation! Your children probably have greater emotional intelligence than you understand, so make sure that as parents, you embrace equality as a way of enforcing rules.

Appearance and Self-Confidence

Depending on the combination of personality and culture, one parent or the other is expected to look better or perhaps be more self-confident. In some cases, this means that the mother figure puts on a more attractive appearance, often through the use of different kinds of enhancement. 

But, especially these days, even something like plastic surgery for men is acceptable. If both parents have careers where their appearance matters, it is even more common for both adults to pay close attention to how they look and how they dress. If not necessarily for their children, then for professional activities that support their children.

Generational Tension

It can be complicated to resist the acts, activities, and actions of your parents. Particularly when it comes to your parenting skills, equality may not be the norm. If you want to break from your family’s traditions, you and your spouse have to be very specific about what your expectations are with each other, and how to be equal in your parenting energy. 

Often, if families figure out a way to go to family therapy sessions, a trained psychologist can open up the levels of communication required to get a logical discussion going.

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