I Said Yes! The Best Book Ever!
Have you ever felt like this?
I’m my own worst enemy. I have a very annoying tendency to doubt, to worry, to fear, to question, to not get hyped up when something good happens for the fear the second, I blink, it’s going to get snatched away and I will be left standing, the butt of some sick and twisted joke”
Well, have you? I know I have- but these words were not words I expected to read in the book “I Said Yes” by Emily Maynard Johnson. Not sure who she is. she was the fiancee of Ricky Hendrick of the Nascar Hendricks (who died in a plane crash.) After Ricky’s death. Emily found out she was carrying his child. Or if you don’t follow Nascar you might remember her from the ABC Shows The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. You would think that girl has it all together but I read this book I found that in so many ways that I felt like I was just like her. After reading the quote, I started this post off with I thought to myself, that if Emily Maynard, who is charming, smart and funny can feel like this, I know that there is hope for little old me.
I know you are probably thinking that this book is about marriage, and in a way it is but not the kind of marriage you would think. It is how she decided to forego fame and instead start a deeper relationship with God.
Here is another quote that I love:
“But I know now that even when we plod through life, making mistakes along the way, trying to figure out what faith is and what it means and why it matters, God uses each circumstance and yes even every mistake to plot a course that will ultimately lead straight to His arms. “
How beautiful is that? I can see so much of myself in Emily’s word. I will admit being a big Nascar fan, I was intrigued by her story, and I wasn’t asked to read this book for a review but after reading it, I just knew that I had to write about it. It was one of those books I couldn’t put down. It was also one I enjoyed reading while sitting on my back deck soaking up some vitamin D.
I will have to say that the words that Emily wrote had me in tears- I identified so much with her and saw how her life changed as she begins to have a deeper relationship with God, it is what I feel like God has been trying to tell me the last few years. It is a journey that I have been on for a while.
Besides her journey in faith, readers can also get a behind the scenes look at what happens behind the scenes of the popular tv shows.
This one book I would highly recommend!
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