How To Prevent Hoarding Tendencies From Taking Shape

How To Prevent Hoarding Tendencies From Taking Shape from North Carolina Adventures of Frugal Mom

For many people, hoarding is a compulsion and sometimes even a condition that may require advanced help. But it’s also the case that for many people “hoarding,” as it were, started life as a habit that they fell into.

It’s not hard to accumulate possessions and belongings as we go through the world, and as we develop our home nest to the utmost limit of its potential. It’s lovely to accept gifts, and to buy decorations, and to consider how to renew a space after some time in order to help it feel fresh.

Furthermore, it’s totally understandable why some people are hesitant to throw out their old belongings, as you never know when today is the day you’ll need that item or if that replacement appliance will come in handy. 

Yet it’s also true to say that for many people, limiting the hoarding habit, however innocuous, is a good way to stop it from getting out of hand – in order to achieve wider control over their home space. In this post, we’ll discuss how and why this can be achieved, and to what extent you can have an effect with careful planning:

Storage & Selling

Storing and selling your possessions from time to time can get you into the habit of benefiting from old objects and items you no longer use. That in itself might provide you with the pause to stop over-collecting, as you’ll know that a plethora of items you no longer need could otherwise be used for a worthwhile purpose. Sure, there may be keepsakes you need, but it could be that selling an old appliance, for instance, rather than keeping it for a rainy day could help fund your next one, such as purchasing a higher quality coffee machine than you were able to. Using storage solutions, such as in the interim, can make a great deal of positive difference here.

A Healthy Categorization Approach

It can be healthy to categorize your possessions, if not mentally then on a page in your journal or diary. This might involve the items that are keepsakes in your attic, or those that you need to have appraised. You may also note when you bring certain fixtures into the household like ornaments or stored goods, so that you know if this isn’t used or appreciated for three months, you have a case for taking it out of the home.

A Design Limit

Curating an artificial design limit in your space can serve as a fantastic means of preventing your most intensive urges to add more, because you will have already segmented space. Perhaps you’ll only allow yourself two decorations on your mantlepiece, one on the centre wall, and you’ll strive to keep the color palette of the room as neutral as possible in order to make room for the visual intensity of a feature wall space. Having written this down with good sense, you can follow it, and replace current decorations with others rather than adding to them. If you trust yourself, your goal is achieved.

With this advice, you’re sure to prevent your hoarding tendencies from taking shape in the best possible way.

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