How to host Thanksgiving Dinner

 If you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner at your house this year, here are some tips to have a stress free dinner. First if this is your first time hosting keep the meal simple. Nobody expects a 5 course gourmet meal. Next is to be organized. Have all the ingredients and pans out before you start cooking. Meal planning is important so you need to decide what you are preparing ahead of time. Make sure that you write down everything that you need and shop for it. Double check the list to make sure everything is on it to stop those last minute trips to the store for that forgotten item. And don’t forget to thaw anything you need the night or the morning before.
Prepare as much of the meal as you can during the slow time of your day and when you are most refreshed. If you can prepare anything the day before than it will make it easier on you. (This is very important tip.) Keep your kitchen clean so you have an uncluttered work area. I know I don’t feel as overwhelmed when I clean as I go. Stick with the basics and keep it simple like our grandmothers did. It isn’t really a matter of time as much as it is a matter of being organized and getting things done before you are too exhausted to think. Because let’s face it Thanksgiving dinner can be exhausting and stressful. Also, remember when you are cooking with your oven try to cook more than one thing in it. For example, if you are going to be baking a casserole, bake a pan of brownies, muffins or baked apples at the same time. Remember less stress is best.

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