GP: Top Tips for Coping with Fertility Problems

Unfortunately, some people are just unable to have children, which can be a horrible feeling and fact to live with. The pressure to raise a family is often enormous and those unable to do so tend to think that there is something wrong with them, that their partners might leave them or that it’s simply the end of their chances of ever becoming a parent.


people talking drThere are all kinds of things that can be done thanks to modern medicine, such as monitoring AMH levels and, of course, adoption, but there are also a series of things you could be doing to remain positive and to help you to possibly conceive after all.


One such example is to recognize the issue and to do something about it. Experts say that the best way to deal with bad news, such as fertility problems, is to admit it and face it head on. Don’t hide away from the fact that you’re having problems with your fertility, instead tackle them and seek professional advice or assistance to help you to feel more positive.


Another top tip is to read up on all of the options available to you and to find out about the reasons for your issues. If you feel comfortable enough, ask your doctor to explain the complications, why you have them and what can be done about it. Reading books, leaflets and articles will help you to understand but you learn much more by talking it through with an expert and asking questions.


IVF – or in vitro fertilization to give it its full name – is an expensive course of action but one that has proven to have positive results. It can cost on average in the region of $13,000 per cycle and women often have to go through several cycles before they get the desired results, so this is an option that is only really there if you’re not just determined enough but if you have the funds available as it can already be a stressful enough period in your life without adding financial worries to the equation.


An important tip, however, is to try and remain both positive and focused on other things in life by continuing to pursue your other interests such as hobbies and pastimes, so that your life doesn’t start to be based around fertility issues. Try and keep up with your hobbies or go out and treat yourself to a massage, for example, to try and feel better about yourself and to relax.

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