Finally A #LifeAfterLeaks With Poise Impressa

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. You must be 21+ years old to try Poise Impressa Bladder Supports. #LifeAfterLeaks #CollectiveBias

Maddie Poise Impressa

Today I reflect on how my life changed over 20 years ago. I was in the delivery room giving birth to our first daughter.  I was a nervous and scared first-time mommy. I knew that there were so many things that come out of being pregnant. Our little Maddie was the first thing and by far the best thing, but there are also some problems that come with carrying around a heavy load. Do you pee when you laugh, cough or run? That is one of the side effects of pregnancy for most women.

poise pregnancy photos

Having been blessed with some very healthy size babies – 7lbs 9 oz, 8 lbs 4 oz and 9 lbs 8 oz. – you can just imagine the damage that these healthy babies did my bladder. Do you notice the pattern- they kept getting bigger, in fact, my ob/gyn on my follow-up card said let’s go for a boy and a ten pounder NOT! LOL. Yes, he has a sense of humor.

poise impressa One

I know that I am not alone in this journey of stress incontinence as one day I was watching the Real Housewives of Orange County, all the girls were working out, and Shannon said she can’t run because she pees her pants when she runs. She then went on to explain that it was because she had twins and her bladder hasn’t been the same since then. I thought right on sister.

But what is a woman to do with this problem. Sure we can carry extra underwear in our purse but how embarrassing would it be to grab your underwear instead of your wallet to pay your bill. Imagine standing in the grocery line and doing this. Very embarrassing right.

The other day when I was picking up some medicine at our local CVS Pharmacy, I noticed something new and different for just this problem. What is it you ask? Read on to find out.

Poise Impressa

Poise has come up with a solution called Poise Impressa. How will this help you ask? Well, the Poise Impressa is designed like a tampon, but it certainly has a different function. It doesn’t absorb leaks it just prevents them from happening. You can wear them for up to 8 hours in a 24 hour period. So in other words for the time of day when you are most active. And what is great about this is that size does isn’t based on weight or height but how they fit internally.

Not sure how to use them. Here are a few simple instructions.

poise impressa (1)

  1. Go to your local CVS and buy the Poise Impressa Sizing Kit. This is different then the actual Poise Impressa because it allows you to choose which bladder support size is right for your body.
  2. Start with size 1 and insert it like you would a tampon.
  3. The Poise Impressa will expand once inside.
  4. If you experience leaks, then proceed to the size 2.
  5. Still having leaks, and then try out the last size.
  6. To remove, just pull on the string and throw it in the trash.

Sounds easy enough right? It was very easy, I will admit that I was a little nervous because I don’t use tampons but this was easy to use, and I found my fit very easily. If you are interested, check out this coupon to save you money when buying the Poise Impressa Sizing Kit.

Celebrating Birthdays. My girls now Maddie 20, Mikaela 17 and Gracie 13
Celebrating Birthdays. My girls now Maddie 20, Mikaela 17 and Gracie 13

So now I can attend conferences and interact with others without worrying about leaks. What could you do with Poise Impressa?

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  1. Our kids bring us so many things… who knew it might be leakage! Those were not the leaks I was told about before parenthood. I’m so glad you found a solution! #client

  2. This is not an issue that I currently have, but our bodies are constantly changing so you never know, this product may come in handy at some point. I also had big babies, so I can completely appreciate your story.

  3. I don’t have leakage issues, but there is a whole group of moms in my zumba class who do & there is always a collective sigh when a song with jumps comes on!

  4. As a mom to 6 I’m sure I’ll be needing these sooner rather than later. I’m so glad there are products like this for those that need them, its really great!

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