Learning to Drive on A Budget
Young motorists are subject to many major expenses, including high car insurance and various vehicle-related costs. There is also the expense of learning to drive, which can be substantial.
Driving lessons cost around £24 on average for one hour’s tuition and according to government statistics, people who pass their test have typically had 45 hours of professional coaching together with an additional 22 hours of private practice. This adds up to more than one thousand pounds, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg so far as motoring costs are concerned.
In addition to lessons, there is the £50 cost of a provisional driving licence together with additional training materials, such as a copy of the Highway Code and literature to help you pass the theory element of the test. All of this can add up quickly, but it is still possible to learn to drive on a budget.
Book in blocks
The first point to consider is that even if you beat the national average when it comes to the amount of lessons required, you are still going to need several hours of tuition. The good news here is that the majority of companies and individuals providing professional driving lessons will offer discounts for making block bookings. In addition, others will look to offer discounts for students who obviously don’t have a regular income.
It may also be possible to make use of offers and promotions elsewhere. For example, a popular supermarket loyalty card has continually provided a deal whereby you can save up to 75 per cent on the cost of a block booking with one particular well-known driving tuition firm.
Look for second-hand literature
As a provisional driver, you’ll need to stock up on literature to help you pass both the theory and the practical test. A copy of the Highway Code is therefore essential and it also pays for the majority of students to buy books and homework aids that are designed to get them through the theory exam.
In both cases, the cost of new materials can add to your budget, so why not look for second-hand products? Sites such as Amazon and eBay offer a wide selection of books at rock-bottom prices.
Get your money’s worth
With lessons costing around £24 an hour, you should make sure that your instructor is giving you the best possible value for money and that you spend most of that time actually driving.
Every lesson usually begins with a brief chat from the instructor about points you need to work on, but make sure that this conversation doesn’t drag on. You’ve paid for a full hour so get your money’s worth. In addition, be wary of instructors who waste your time by continuing to stop for petrol or pick up other pupils. If you’re unhappy, have a polite word with your instructor. Alternatively, make up your mind to switch tuition firms.
With the cost of lessons set to rise even further, it is thought that the cost of learning to drive could rise above two thousand pounds in the near future. This money could be used for other luxury items and uses, such as tennis court surfaces or a major holiday. With a little thought and preparation, however, you can cut those costs considerably.
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