Cheaper Alternatives to Designer Handbags
Just like glasses or shades, it is hard to tell whether your handbag is an original or a fake. Sometimes it is nice to reward yourself with a designer Gucci or a Louis Vuitton bag but you should never cross the line with your expenditures. Most of the popular designer bag brands are insanely expensive and a middle-class person cannot afford to purchase these items over and over again. If you love to walk in style but don’t want to pay the hefty price, you can always go with a similar option. Just like shades, the market is full of cheaper alternatives to designer bags that are not only affordable but are also very similar to the latest designer bag styles. Whether you like a particular design of Chanel, Prada or Hermes, you can always look for similar alternative designs launched by various not so expensive companies.
Michael Kors
Whether you’re looking for an office bag for men or a shoulder bag or a clutch for women, Michael Kors is currently one of the most popular handbag designing company that is not only known for its handbags but is also popular for designing cheap watches, shoes, wallets, and clothes. Michael Kors handbag with the title Sloan is very similar to Chanel’s flap bag. There is a huge difference in the price of both the bags making it a good option for all the fashion lovers out there. Another title called Jet Set by Michael Kors has insane similarities with Louis Vuitton’s title, Never Full. If you’re looking for big bags to keep multiple items, this title is the best one for you. You can always look for the wide range of Michael Kors collection at their website and can get your favorite designs right away.
Kate Spade
Kate Spade is also another rapidly progressing handbag designing company that has been taking the market by storm. Based in New York, America, Kate Spades is known for making a huge variety of handbags, clutches, convertible bags, crossbodies, shoulder bags, and satchels. All their super amazing designs are divided under four popular titles called, Nicola, Molly, Margaux, and Polly. Kate Spade’s title, Cameron Street Byrdie has a lot of similarities with Chloe’s $1,850 Drew bag. If you have a budget of $500 and looking for a stylish and reliable handbag, you can always choose from the amazing range of Kate Spade handbags and walk-in style.
Rebecca Minkoff
Popular for its trending handbags and accessories, Rebecca Minkoff is another good alternative to a large number of super-expensive designer bags. Minkoff’s small lover leather crossbody bag has a lot of similarities with Chanel’s wrinkled lambskin chevron-quilted medium boy flap. As far as the price is concerned, Chanel’s title is 4x more expensive than Minkoff’s version. If you like Balenciaga’s title, classic silver city, you can always consider buying Rebecca Minkoff’s Regan Satchel that is just for $325 and is quite similar to the designer version.