After a Breast Reconstruction, Will My Breasts Feel Normal?

Plastic surgery is common these days, and it is a procedure that should not be taken lightly- the recovery process inclusive. We are well aware that after a successful surgery, you are anxious to resume your daily activities and exercises. After all, you did not go through the trouble of undergoing plastic surgery to lock yourself indoors. You have to keep in mind, however, that the recovery period needs utmost patience. It is imperative for you to follow the instructions given by your plastic surgeon. You should also take your exercises a little slow depending on how your body is feeling.

There are several cosmetic procedures, and each patient is different from the next. For this reason, every workout routine is tailored to fit the specific needs of each patient. Some of the essential factors that we look at before tailoring exercises to your needs are the state of your health and your fitness level. We don’t want to give you exercises that will see you strain. Despite the type of surgery, there are some specific guidelines that we have to apply to ensure that your recovery is successful.

It is recommended that for the first few days after surgery, the patient should not engage in any physical activity. The first 48 hours after surgery are meant for full bed rest. Actually, the only close thing to exercising that you should get within the first two days is moving around your house, if you are able to.

After the first few weeks of surgery, your body should have regained enough strength. You can now engage in physical activity as recommended by your surgeon. Usually, it takes one to two weeks to regain your full energy levels. At this point, if you want to get back to exercising, we recommend engaging in light exercises such as walking on a treadmill with low settings, walking around your neighborhood, and other light cardio activities.

You should not engage in exercises that increase your heart rate because it may affect your post-surgery recovery. The aim is to engage more in psychological rather than physical exercises. Plastic surgery patients are typically advised to wait between four and six weeks before they can get back to their full routine exercises. The need to wait for such periods is to ensure that you do not experience any complications.

Physical Activity Approaches after Specific Procedures

There are different types of cosmetic procedures, and each requires a unique approach depending on the patient. Before you engage in any exercise, however, it is best to have a sit down with your doctor. Your plastic surgeon can give you an approach that best fits your procedure. Here are some guidelines to follow to ensure a smooth recovery process.

Exercise after Breast Augmentation

After breast augmentation, patients are advised not to engage in physical activity that may stress the pectoral muscles. It is imperative that the muscle completely heals after surgery, especially since most breast implants are placed under it.

Within the first two weeks, the patient should take some walks around the neighborhood. After the third week, the patient should carry out mild stretching exercises for the back and the chest. Before the fourth week, you should not engage in heavy lifting exercises. You shouldn’t lift anything exceeding 10 pounds. During this period, you should only engage in lower body exercises such as squats and leg presses. If your body regains full energy levels after the sixth week, then you can go back to your routine workouts gradually. It is also important to exercise when wearing a support bra.

Exercises after Liposuction

Liposuction involves removing fat from specific parts of your body. To avoid fat from accumulating again, you have to engage in physical activity. For the first two weeks, you are supposed to rest as you take frequent walks. After the third week, you can begin light cardio exercises including cycling on a stationary bike.

Within the first four weeks, you are expected to wear a compression garment on and off exercises. After the fourth week, the physical activity you engage in will depend on the intensity of liposuction. You could even resume your entire workout routine. Ensure to listen to your body and follow instructions from your doctor for full post-surgery recovery.

Exercises after a Facelift

After you have undergone a facial rejuvenation, we advise that you avoid intense physical activity for the first four weeks. You should not engage in exercises that increase your heart rate or blood pressure. Why is this? If you engage in strenuous exercises, the blood vessels under the skin may burst, especially after the surgery.

This may cause a mass of clotted blood to form underneath the skin, and it may bring about some complications. After the fourth week, you can engage in light cardio exercises like walking. Typically, most patients have their full body energy after the sixth week and they can resume their full routine exercises

Exercises after Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, surgery of the nose is very delicate. It requires that the patient not engage in intense physical activity that may raise the heart rate. Why? The body is interconnected, and if your heart rate increases, so will your breathing rate. This could immensely affect your healing process. For the first 48 hours to one week after surgery, you can start with light walks, but refrain from jogging and or be running. Usually, nasal bones take approximately six weeks to heal. Before this period, you should avoid any heavy exercise to avoid complications or further surgery.

Doctors Plastic Surgery is your go-to facility for the absolute cosmetic procedure. We have our facilities situated in Chicago and New York, which feature some of the most qualified plastic surgeons of this age. Our team of plastic surgeons performs saline breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, and Brazilian butt lifts among others. We also incorporate modern and advanced technology in our operations to ensure you get the best.

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