Bought a New Home? What You Need to Know About Moving With Pets

Bought a New Home? What You Need to Know About Moving With Pets from NC Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

After over a year into the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of people are looking into a new change of scenery with vacations for some and new homes for others. As exciting as it may be to move to a new location, it can also be stressful for all involved. And if you have pets, that just adds one more issue that you need to think about. 

During a move, there’s so much to think about that considering how it will impact your pets might slip through the cracks. But since we can all agree they are part of the family, we have to make time to be sure they’re as ready for the move as you are.

Stake-Out the Neighborhood

Once you narrow your choices down to a few neighborhoods, take your pets with you to survey the area, if possible. If you have a dog or another pet who walks on a leash, take them for a few walks in the place you’re considering so the area won’t be completely new to them. Let them familiarize themselves with the sights, sounds, and smells of your new possible home.

Keep in mind when you settle on a neighborhood and move in, you’ll have access to tools that can connect you with other pet owners around your new home. You may have heard about Nextdoor, a social media platform that helps you connect with people you know are nearby. Nextdoor’s anti-racist resources make sure you’re moving to a place that’s welcoming for everyone and the neighbors there can connect for get-togethers with pet owners and families too.

Leading Up to Moving Day

Packing up your home can be pretty chaotic, and the last thing you want is your pet’s stress levels to go through the roof. To make things a little easier for them, keep them out of the fray of packing up the house and let them relax in a place they’re comfortable. If that place is by your side, great, but if it’s not and your pet is feeling high strung, make sure they’re comfortable while you do what you need to do.

When moving day arrives, and you’re saying goodbye to your old home, involve them too because it’s important for them to share in the experience the best they can. Also, make sure they are safe and not in a place they can escape through ever-opening and closing doors.

Pets on the Road

Depending on how far you have to travel for your move, you and your pet will likely have to stretch your legs and use the facilities. Plan your route ahead of time so you can hit pet-friendly stops so they (and you) can get a break from the car and take care of business.

If your trip lasts longer than a day, you need to plan for an overnight stay at a pet-friendly hotel. Book ahead of time and ask about their pet policies to know what to expect during your stay.

Getting Familiar With New Surroundings

When you move into your new home and neighborhood, everything is fresh and exciting. You want to get familiar with your surroundings, as in where you’ll shop, what roads you’ll drive, where the parks are, and local events, but don’t forget to include your pets. Even if you brought your pet to your new area before the move, you want to be sure you locate a vet, take them for walks (if they’re outside pets), and locate pet-friendly establishments around town. A great place to get this information is to check with your new neighbors on Nextdoor for tips and recommendations.

Give Them Time

Just like you and your family, it will take time for your pet to get used to their surroundings, but once they do, you’ll all settle in and enjoy your new home.

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