7 Amazing Benefits of Indoor Plants: Number 5 May Surprise You!

7 Amazing Benefits of Indoor Plants: Number 5 May Surprise You from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

According to studies done by NASA, indoor plants can eliminate up to 87% of the toxins in the air within 24 hours.

Indoor plants do much more than just reduce toxins, and they help improve our overall health and happiness. If you don’t have any indoor plants, you are missing out on all of the benefits they have to offer. Indoor plants are not just for decoration—they help improve air quality, reduce stress, and boost productivity,” says Caleb Young, a houseplant expert from Rare Indoor Plants.

Scroll down to discover the benefits of indoor plants and which plants are best suited for the home. 

1. They Look Awesome 

There are many benefits of indoor plants, and one of them is that plants are fun decor and can make your home unique! 

Indoor plants are perfect if you want to give your home a little more character. They can add a pop of color to a dull room and even complement an outdoor-themed room. 

2. They Keep Air Humidified

Plants are beneficial to our health because they release water vapor, which helps keep the air from being too dry.

Humidity helps the respiratory system function properly and helps protect you from infection. Dry skin, sore throats, and coughing are signs that your home is too dry. Try getting a plant to see if it helps! 

3. Increase in Concentration

Various studies have shown that plants have a positive impact on focus and concentration. 

They help by absorbing sounds and keeping areas quiet. This helps you focus without being distracted by noises from down the hall.  

4. Plants Reduce Stress

Plants are beneficial to our health because they help reduce stress and give us a better sense of well-being. 

People surrounded by plants typically take fewer sick days and make fewer mistakes on the job. Plants help by making us feel more productive and calm. 

Indoor plants are perfect for the spaces in your life that give you the most stress and anxiety. 

5. Oxygen Producing Properties

Plants that give the most oxygen are the most beneficial to our bodies.

Human bodies breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants help us by absorbing carbon dioxide and turning it into oxygen for us to breathe. Orchids and succulents are excellent oxygen-producing plants. 

6. Air Purifying 

Indoor plants are also able to help purify the air, and this is one of the upsides of owning an air plant

They do so by reducing the toxins from the air. These toxins are harmful to our bodies, so the fewer we are exposed to, the better for our health. 

Plants also help by pulling out contaminants from the soil. 

7. Improve Our Overall Health 

Multiple studies that have been done in hospitals revealed that plants help improve a patient’s health. 

Those that had plants required less medication had normal heart rate and blood pressure levels, and experienced less stress. This was also seen in the workplace; those with plants took fewer sick days and reported less anxiety. 

Best Plants for Indoors

There is an endless amount of indoor plants available, so how do you know which are best for indoors?

If you are looking for a low-maintenance plant, yucca trees, cacti, and succulents are excellent options. Many of them require a lot of sunlight but don’t need to be watered often. 

Herbs and lavender are also good for indoors and smell delicious when trimmed. 

The Many Benefits of Indoor Plants 

The benefits of indoor plants include producing oxygen, adding character and color to your home, and more. 

Even if you don’t have a green thumb, you can still keep a plant alive and healthy. Many plants require little attention and a whole lot of sun. Don’t be afraid to look for unique plants that make you happy. 

Be sure to check out our blog for the latest plant and gardening trends and tips for the home!  

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