6 Spring Decorating Hacks You Need to Try

6 Spring Decorating Hacks You Need to Try from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

When springtime comes around, you probably want your home to look and feel fabulous. With minimal effort, you can create a blissful environment for yourself, family, and friends. These spring decor hacks can make your home bloom for the season.

Brighten Things Up with Flowers

You can brighten up your house by planting colorful flowers in a window box or place potted plants in the front yard. You can also plant a native garden to enhance your yard with natural beauty. Doing so tends to attract bees, birds, and other insects and animals. In fact, gardens often inspire everyone to spend quality time outside. Additionally, you can plant herbs in decorative containers indoors, and place these in a window or somewhere else. Further, place bright flowers in a vase and use this as a decorative table centerpiece.

Try Out New Wall Art

If you already have artwork hanging on the walls, why not switch it out for something more fitting for spring? You can find unique prints, bold paintings, handmade wall hangings and other invigorating artistic pieces to enhance your space at a fair price. Just get creative and express yourself. After all, personal touches can create a comforting home environment. Your wall art can also inspire you to use your imagination, and enjoy each day as it comes. 

Add Custom Photo Throw Pillows

Adding a personalized pillow to a sofa or somewhere else in your home is an exceptional way to add color and style. Your unique photos will be preserved in crisp detail. Consider creating a custom photo throw pillow with the family dog in various poses or humorous facial expressions. You and your family can have something to smile about every time you look at it. Other photo ideas for a personalized pillow include a newborn baby smiling, best friends spending time together or you donning your coolest sunglasses. You can get creative and have fun with it.

Lighten Up Your Space with Rugs

You can find rugs with abstract art, floral designs, expressive words, illustrations, and more online. You can place one or two in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, or wherever you’d like. Rugs can lighten up the environment, and make it feel cleaner and more stylish. Best of all, you’re not limited to dull rugs at springtime. Other than this, try using rugs outdoors for a bold look. Be sure to do your own research, so you can take advantage of the latest designs and deals.

Use Accent Pieces to Add Cheer

One of the best ways to get your house spring ready is to use cheery accent pieces. This can be the perfect opportunity to add pops of color and get creative. For one, you can create a personalized pillow that stands out in the living room or somewhere else in the house. Friends and family can relax against it and read a book, or sit around and talk. Other delightful ideas found online that you might like are pastel trays, vintage vases, new lampshades or colorful art books for the coffee table.

Remember to Update Your Outdoor Area

Since your outdoor area is the first thing visitors see, it can be a good idea to make it beautiful. You can make this a creative project and maybe even get your family involved a bit. For example, consider painting the front door a bright spring color such as a light blue or cheery yellow hue. It can be helpful to learn color psychology so you gain a better understanding of how color can affect your mood. You may also want to hang a hammock under a tree, put a painted porch swing on the porch, add an adorable birdhouse to the mix or decorate the yard with artistic objects, among other things. Doing it yourself can be fun and help you save money if necessary.

Other decor hacks include putting a refreshing scented candle in a room, utilizing decorative baskets for organizing, using nature-inspired wallpaper in the living room or kitchen, or hanging a floral wreath on the front door, Besides this, don’t forget to keep your house and yard clean to freshen things up. Decorating your house for spring can truly make it come alive for you and everyone you love.

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