5 Tips for Picking the Right Breast Pump
A breast pump is a necessity for many breastfeeding mothers. Whether you need to go back to work or just simply want to leave without your baby at times, picking the right breast pump is an important process. These amazing devices come in multiple sizes, prices, and can greatly benefit your life.
After the first few weeks of your baby’s life, it is time to shop around for the best breast pump. There are some factors you should consider before making your final selection. A breast pump isn’t just a normal purchase; it is an investment into your baby’s nourishment and any future children as well. Because of their design, one breast pump will last you for multiple children.
5 Tips for Picking a Breast Pump
- Consider Your Budget: One of the first things you need to do is determine your price range. Breast pumps come in all size and budget ranges, so you will be able to find something affordable. However, a lot of the double electric breast pumps do cost more than $150. Manual pumps, such as the Medela manual pump, can cost from $30 to $60.
Luckily, even double electric pumps have cheaper options available. Some of them aren’t top of the line, but they will still accomplish the task at hand with efficiency.
- Frequent Pumping: If you are going to out of the home without your baby on a regular basis, a double electric pump will be the wisest choice for your money. While a single electric pump is nice, it will take too much time to pump both breasts. Because you will be nursing on a frequent basis, these pumps are also stronger and can usually drain your breast at a faster rate than other pumps.
This also applies to mothers who opt to exclusively pump. If you decide to pump in replacement of having your baby on the breast, you will need a strong, high-end double electric pump. Babies are more effective at draining milk from the breast and boosting your supply. Some are the strongest at the hospital grade pumps. Keep in mind you will be pumping very frequently, so the double pump is the best option in this circumstance.
A manual pump is not a good choice for a working mother. This is because it takes such a long time to pump; you will be pumping for at least 30 minutes to drain both breasts. A working mother doesn’t have the time available to spend such a long time pumping, especially because you will have to pump a few times a day.
- Occasional Usage: For the occasional usage, you could use any of the options. The most cost effective option is the manual pump. This is perfect for the mother who only leaves her baby to go to the store or a date night once a week. However, you will struggle to build up a freezer supply of milk with a manual pump because of the time required.
A single or double electric pump may be a great option as well. You can pump quickly, or set a pumping schedule so you can store breast milk. Having extra milk on hand is a great idea; you never know when an emergency will take place. You may have to take another child to the hospital or get extremely sick. Also, stored milk is great for thinning solids when your infant gets younger.
- Check Your Insurance Company: Depending on the country in which you live, your health insurance company may be required by law to cover a breast pump up to a certain amount. In the United States, the Affordable Care Act requires health insurers to cover personal use breast pumps. In Canada, the plans differ, but most are required to cover breast pumps up to a certain amount.
Typically, your doctor is required to write a prescription or a note stating that you are a breastfeeding mother. Often times, health insurers will even cover pump rentals from the hospital if your baby is premature. Because of the health benefits of breastfeeding, insurance companies are trying to do the best they can to support mothers.
- Available Accessories: Not every pump has accessories available in the store. At times, you may find you need an accessory and don’t have time to wait for online shipping. There are two brands, Medela and Ameda, which dominate the industry in terms of availability of accessories. Most stores carry parts and accessories, so if you find yourself in need, you won’t struggle.
You may want some accessories to make pumping easier as well. Some brands have hands-free nursing bras available, so you can work and pump at the same time. You may want a vehicle-powered adapter; a long commute could be the perfect time to pump.
Also, every woman has different size breasts and areolas. Some brands have multiple sizes for the flanges; you don’t want your nipple to rub against the shield. This can cause problems. So, before you buy, make sure the brand offers plenty of accessories you can access easily.
Before you purchase a breast pump, make sure to think about these tips. Your budget is an important factor, but if you opt to exclusively pump, you are going to need a high-end double electric pump. For the occasional pumping, a single electric or manual breast pump would be a cost effective option for you.
Luckily, many mothers can have their breast pumps covered by their insurance company. Many times, they offer a few great options, and you may be satisfied with their selection. Make sure to check for available accessories for the brand that could make pumping easier. There are so many great breast pumps on the market; you will find the right breast pump in no time.
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My wife and I were looking at breast pumps the other day. I had no idea I could get it covered through my insurance. I will talk to my doctor about that. See if we can qualify for one.