Tips for First-Time Moms with Newborn Babies

Tips for First-Time Moms with Newborn Babies

If there is a time where a new mother feels a rush of contradicting emotions, it is when her newborn baby arrives. Feelings of elation and anxiety come upon you in almost equal measure. Many moms will admit that, often, the sense of anxiety tips the scales in its favor.  So, if you are a new mom, and are wondering where, to begin with, your new bundle of joy, the tips below will give you a great start.

 4 Top Tips for First-Time Moms

Get Postpartum Support

The time just after you give birth is pretty overwhelming. Your body needs to recover, and a little human requires your attention round the clock. You will need all the help you can get.

Get as much information as you can while still at the hospital. Let the nurses show you how to bathe, hold, burp and change your newborn. Many hospitals also have short training sessions with lactation specialists who will give you vital information on nursing and be bottle-feeding your baby.

Once you get home, you will need help for the first few weeks after birth especially if you underwent a C-section. Lots of relatives will want to help, and you can accept the offers from the closest and most trusted of them. If you opt to hire help, get recommendations from the hospital, relatives, and other moms. Focus on caring for your newborn so whoever is helping can concentrate on meals, house chores, and shopping. And remember to keep your postnatal appointment.

Feeding Your Baby

Although nature has equipped you to feed your baby, the process may not be smooth in the beginning.  And since babies eat a lot, it can become quickly frustrating and painful when you have problems with breastfeeding. You can consult lactation experts, read books on nursing, and get advice from fellow moms who have had success. One of the best things you can do is to make sure that you don’t leave the hospital before your newborn has learned to latch properly. You can call a nurse whenever you want to feed your baby so that they can offer advice on the spot.

Staying hydrated is important for breastfeeding moms, so you have to drink lots of fluids, and always have a glass of water nearby as you breastfeed. In addition, use a warm compress on engorged breasts; try nipple cream on sore nipples, but if it is too painful to breastfeed you can try nipple shells until the soreness abates.

If you plan to give your baby the bottle eventually, introduce it early on but only after breastfeeding is established. It is recommended that you stick with giving your baby breast milk as long as you can. This will require pumping breast milk and storing it properly. Thus, you need to buy an excellent breast pump and zip-lock bags for storage. Start pumping as soon as possible to ensure there is ample supply.

Handle Your Newborn with Care

Newborns are fragile and you need to handle them with tender care.  Here are a few things for you, and all other caregivers, to note:

  • Always support the head and neck when carrying the baby
  • Wash hands before handling the baby as they are susceptible to infection
  • Don’t leave dirty diapers for too long: Check the baby often as newborns poop a lot
  • No rough play with the baby e.g. shaking and juggling
  • Place the baby to sleep on their backs
  • Securely fasten the baby to strollers, carriers and car seats


You have probably heard that newborns sleep for up to 18 hours a day. The reason it doesn’t feel like it is because they sleep intermittently, waking up every two hours or so. So how can you get some shut eye? You can sleep when the baby sleeps – if you don’t mind being woken up every two hours by a crying baby. But the best way is to have some of the baby’s milk ready and leaving the baby with your partner for a few hours. You can then rest, and your partner will feed the child when he or she wakes up, leaving you to have some uninterrupted sleep.

Come to terms with the fact that you will probably not get a full night’s sleep for a while. Don’t obsess about it as caring for the child is your top priority. All new moms experience some sleep deprivation in the beginning but as your baby gets older, a sleep routine can be formed, and you can catch up on some sleep.


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