3 Ways to Really Bring the Design of Your Bathroom to Life This Year

Your bathroom is the most-used room in your house, yet it is often neglected when it comes to remodeling. There is so much you can do to bring your bathroom to life and make it a room that you gladly show off to guests.
From the appliances to the decorations on the walls, here are three ways that you can bring the design of your bathroom to life this year.
3 Ways to Remodel Your Bathroom
Many people consider their bathroom to be a functional part of their home. They neglect to take into consideration the benefits that come from investing in appliances and decor that improve the aesthetics of the room and may even save them money in the long run.
Consider these 3 ways to enhance your bathroom’s design and functionality:
1. Floor coverings increase your floor’s lifespan.
Colorful tile along your floor and your walls in splashes of designs can make your bathroom come to life. However, if you don’t have a plan in place to account for the backsplash or excess moisture that your walls and floors absorb, you may find yourself replacing the tile sooner than you expect or constantly scrubbing off mold and mildew.
Try a colorful bath mat and area rug that shows off your tastes and blends with the color scheme of your wall and floor design. These moisture absorbers now come in an expansive array of designs, shapes, and qualities so you can easily find one that fits your style.
2. Find appliances that please your senses.
With all of the options available, you are no longer required to choose from toilets, vanities, showers, and sinks that focus on functionality over aesthetics. You can now combine the two and buy bathroom vanities from places like http://www.uniquevanities.com/bathroom-vanities-49-60-inches.html that work well, are energy-efficient, and are pleasing to look at all at the same time.
Choose a vanity that is traditional, modern, or in-between, with a deep-set sink option or shallow basin for your preferred faucet type. The choices are endless and you do not have to settle for those options found at your local hardware store any longer.
3. The finishing touches can expand your bathroom’s size.
By using the right finishing touches, you can make your bathroom look larger and cohesive. Items like colorful towels, wall art, and decorative display shelves with candles or plants on them really bring a bathroom to life. It does not matter how big or small your room is – making use of the empty wall space that’s already there will make your bathroom pop.
Choosing Functional Over Aesthetics in Your Bathroom is Not an Issue Anymore
With all of the options available to you at your fingertips, you can easily incorporate your style with the basic necessities of your bathroom. Bring your room to life with a few well-chosen appliances and splashes of decor to make your bathroom a place you enjoy being in and showing off to your guests!