3 Christmas Gifts Moms Would Love To Receive But Never Ask For
When it comes to choosing gifts for Mom for the holidays, it’s usually something that you’ve heard her ask for. Like an item of clothing or jewelry you’ve seen her admire, or maybe a subscription to a service that she’ll enjoy. You know gifts that are handpicked just for her.
While it’s ultimately about the thought which counts most for mom, let’s face it, there certainly some gifts which are better than others. Usually, it’s the gifts that you never hear mom ask for that she’d love to receive.
Although they may just be distant wishes with little likelihood of actually happening, a mom can dream, right? Here are some of the gifts most moms would open on Christmas morning and spit out their eggnog for in utter excitement.
A Maid
While there may very well be some moms out there who love hand washing dishes with encrusted food on them, scrubbing grit out of tile crevices, scooping dog poop up while tending to the yard, and wiping child fingerprints off of the plasma screen television, there is a large majority who do not.
If you were to tell a mom that she never had to do any of these things again thanks to her new personal maid, she would probably faint from excitement. Imagine all of the things she could get done without having to deal with all that free labor.
A Personal Driver
When families start to expand and there are multiple children with various activities which they are committed to, life can start to take on a lot of driving time for a mom. From driving one kid to soccer practice, while having to get back to the other side of town to pick up the littlest from their piano lessons, it’s easy to spend a few hours in your car a day.
Just imagine, a personal driver who would do all of this transporting for her. No more having to battle traffic, or break up fights over whose arm is passing over the other siblings back seat territory. No more having to frantically pass snacks to the back of the car to avoid a mid-highway breakdown. Just a mom and her personal driver, casually cruising through town. Make sure that you consider throwing in a gas card with an unlimited supply of funds for gas as well. That will really make her face light up.
Daily Massages
Since a busy day can start to take its toll on your shoulders, a daily massage is a perfect gift for a mom. We are talking candles burning, infusion oils, and an old 90’s CD of relaxing saxophone music. This recipe is just what a mom needs to keep her spirits and physical energy up. For extra points, make sure the massage therapist has a foreign accent.
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